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Caption: Commencement - 1937 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I KV V \\ i I COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ARTHUR CUTTS WILLARD TO THE L1 X Y OF R CLASS OF 1937 1 V 19 *-. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JUNE 14, 1937 to the members of the Class of 1937, who are about to graduate from the University of Illinois. I have an old-fashioned idea that I am, to some extent and to a limited degree, personally responsible for each of you. If you fail I fail, if you succeed I succeed. I am sure the faculty shares with me this feeling of responsibility, possibly in a more intimate way than I can understand. The occasion is an important one to each of you and also to the University. For one thing, it is the last time you will all meet together, after four years of life on this campus during which you have been engaged in a common enterprise popularly known as "getting a college education/' 1 trust you have all profited by the experience—no doubt some more, some less. Indeed, I hope ever) one of you has (lis overed, during your life here at the University, 80me talent, some unique ability which when more fully developed will add to your professional sue WISH TO SPEAK
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