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Repository: UIHistories Project: Booklet - YMCA Student Handbook (1912) [PAGE 15]

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In ord< r t h a t their task may t is hoped t h a t Incoming * lo< d over the Li of 01 1 here BO t h a t they will b 1 to in rm the committ an this point. Bible Study Courses " T h e Will of God." "Life of Christ." "New Studies in A c t s . " "Life of P a u l . " "Introducing Men to C h r i s t . "



Every T h u r s d a y evening d u r i n g the F i r s t Semester, special meetings will be held in the Lounging Room of A ition Hall r where brief illustrated lectures will be ( en p e r t a i n i n g to specific forms of C h r i s t i a n service in mines, mills, logging cam: immigration stations, etc. E x t e n s i o n "Work Believing t h a t it should extend if influence into the local and outlying communities, the Association h a s a special dep a r t m e n t organized for the conduct of this work. "Gospel T e a m s , " composed of five or six men each, visit small towns d u r i n g C h r i s t m a s and E a s t e r holidays promoting a " C a m p a i g n of F r i e n d s h i p " among men and boys. I n d u s t r i a l classes, led by students u n d e r the auspices of this d e p a r t m e n t , are conducted in m a n y of the factories and T mills of Champaign and U r b a n a w ith great success and benefit. Classes in English for foreigners a r e also conducted in the r a i l r o a d yards. Missions Missionary activities have t a k e n their place among the g r e a t e s t r o m a n t i c and adventuresome agencies of our time. The fact t h a t the missionary problem is nothing mor or less t h a n the development of the social, intellectual, political, industrial and religious life of the g r e a t e r p a r t of the world's population m a k e s it a subject to challenge the attention and interest of every student who is pleased to refer to himself as "a University m a n . " P l a n s for missionary instruction through the coming y e a r a r e somew h a t larger t h a n ever before. There have already been selected a list of lenders of mission classes who will undoubtedly make



Meetings Through the comii year it shall be the policy of the A ociation to hold Sundav afternoon meetings in its Auditorium at the rate of o per month instead of every Sunday afternoon as formerly. These meetings will be addi [ by specialists in religious and moral problems, p a r t i c u l a r l y in their ve a p p l t0 Un ™ ,. i v e r s i t y men. The list of speakers for the ensuing year, to be published later, will include some noted names. Last December a series of special meetings led by Dr. John R. Mott, assisted by ten men prominent in religious rk el e ere Were attendcd a ^ e nof i 1,500 men each night ^ anrosnlfpd f ?nn ' fverand in a University-wide renewal 0 ? i n t e r e s t in moral and religious topic it h a s b e e referred to by i igious exports as t h , ™L> a p o r t a n t rella us m< £ 3 ^ a m o n g thl i n d e n t s in any Amor, n Uni ty in modern times. Negotiations are now pending for the s; irn of a note,] Bp feer for a •' lar seri of leotur. on mi , , moral probl. In Decembe? 0*! ttSJ^ea * t into the game somowhorp a i >ter always. n A _ u •.

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Your first six weeks in the University m a y determine your whole career.