Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
COl-*5E5 FOR GRADUATES B^ mess Organization and Operation (Management) 4( : H Scientific Management I una each . A study of the develop. t ol m rn industrial management and the principle pi I the present time. Economics 111 488 ttnparativc Economic Systems- (1). The economi. of capitalism, ilism, tmmunism, and fas< ism. Government Regulation of I conomic Activity. (1). A critical economic ol the obj< tives and results of government policy and practi in oiling i onomic activity. Relations ( Labor a n d Industrial •' ( L a w ) , l a b o r Law. (1 . T h e law of industrial relations with special emph > on recent i jes and legislation; collective bargaining and labor 1 ntr ts; u s and hours legislation; unemployment compensation. Sociology). Research Seminar in H u m a n Relations in Industry. (1 . Individual research in sociological interpretation of industrial oi mization: the orientation and motivation of the individual in industry and commerce * 118 4 m. ement relations as group adjustments: the interrelations of induct rid the community. Prerequisite: Six hours of sociology, including S >18 H u m a n Relations in I n d u s t r y ) , or consent of instructor. Political Science . Formation of Public Policy. ( 1 ) . An examination of r-i the and dynamic fort es thai shape the making of policy and administration in the United States: separation of powers, pressure i up . administrative and legal procedures, judicial activity. 7 Psychology). Psychogenic^ of Industrial Conflict. (1). Field research nd il% f current studies relative to the psychological origins ol indusI I nflict. Prerequisite: Six units of graduate credit in psychology, i luding P ">7 Psychoid j of Industrial ( nflict . or consent K) and 111 I - onomies). Labor i c o n o m i c s . (1 unit each . A crit J eco- i BI of com uj rary English and American wage theory, emph men! and unempl anient, and colli tive bargainin with emphasis upon public policy. Prci |uisite: Six hours ol economics \\2 I . o n o m i e s . Problems and Practices In Collective Bargaining (1 the methods and techniques ol collective bargaining in th i tiation ol laboi i menu; union, mana ni.m, .uul public int< sts >, mi t provi Pn n quisiti I >nsent of instructor, Hi I ,,,O,,,MSI. Problems a n d Practices of l a b o i Dispute Settlement. .1 ii in the I hniqu ol laboi contract administration; comparative tud i , , , . &nc< procedure operation; analysis ol conciliation, fact-find and arl tration pn dures, including case itud ! ol arbitratioi gwardi 1'" n quiiite < nt ol Instrui toi 9