Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
thesis will be waiv< I onl) und< • th< 11 1 ( Announcement. In addition, the candidate mi i ompl< luirement and pass satisfa* toril) a n ral < industrial relations. THE FACULTY in t\ i th< iI rhe teaching fa< ult\ of the Institute in< lud< in from other departments at the I nivcrsit) w II a Full-tin < staff members. Most of the latter have had pi ti \ labor, management, or < rnment employnn it. I I 1 backgrounds in a numbei of dis< iplin< the - ial ing, law, and others. COURSES The University of Illinois ofTers a wide ran which relate to the study ^i labor and industrial relatioi lowing list, while it does not include all course whi<h n for credit toward the A . M . in Labor a n d Industrial Relal ! l« > * unc du in 5l gests most ol the avenues ol stud\ available t the stud •Courses that admit advanced undei iduati . 1 1 •00 scries in the undergraduate listing may al taken Foi credit. Complete descriptions of prerequisite couf may be University's Graduate Coll Vnnoun ment and I nd Bulletin. Ross S t a g n e r e x p l a i n s the p s y c h o g e n i c s of i n d u s t r i a l conflict.