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Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Introduction to Public Administration (361) National Administration (364) Theory and Administration of Federal Labor Law (365) Public Personnel Administration (368) Psychology Industrial Psychology (145) Social Psychology (255) Introduction to Psychological Tests and Measurements (290) Psychology of Industrial Conflict (357) Sociology Social Control (140) Human Relations in Industry (318) Public Opinion (344) INSTITUTE ADVISORY GROUPS Under the resolution of the Hoard of Trustees establishing the Institute, an Advisory Committee of fifteen members, composed of representatives of labor, management, and the public, is named by the President of the University. The Board also provided for a Faculty Council to be appointed by the President. Its members arc selected from the various colleges, schools, and departments of the University. Both groups meet from time to time and are consulted on Institute policies and programs. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ESKIL I. BjORK, President. The Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company, (!hi< ago I IUNTON B U S H , State Legislative Chairman, Brotherhood i^( Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Chicago J O H N E< CASSIDY, Attorney, Cassidy, Sloan, and Crutcher, Peoria J O S E P H GERMANO, Distri( i Dire tor. United Steel workers of America, I st ( !hi< -e'o I'M GREATHOUSE, Regional Director, United Automobile Workers of Ameri< a-CH K Chicago 19
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