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Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
K labor Relations in Modern M KIN (1 \n ii,i. ; ,at tlysis id summary of the principl ol laboi relations unitii the but! • nora i, law, i litical ricn< , p cholog and s Ky. Prci |uisiu ( >nscnt of instiin toi. M e c h a n i c a l Engineering v (58. Problems in Industrial Safety. (W to i Emphasizes problems ii d < I duction layout, , guarding, chemical and el trical hazards istrial hygiene, i /s, lafety, fire prevention, and application of fin Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering > (Industrial Safety . 153. Methods and Measureiiwnts of Industrial Work, (1). Advani d theo retical analysis oi facton affecting determination of rconomit 1 metho meth 1 standards, and time standards for industrial operation Sp J in\ ligations and a term paper. Prerequisil Undergi duate course ir motion and time stud) and production control. 154. Production Engineering. (1 . Advan< I consideration ol production enuring principles as related to cost analysis and reduction, control of fl • ol work in manufacture, evaluation of performance against stand id >m] nsation. S] cial investigations. Prerequisite M mi 1 Enng 45 I. 158. Laboratory Investigations in Production. ('. to 1 Sj>< J in\ ti itio in field of production, particularly in materials, pro< ssin^, and pro ducti n en \m m P o l i t i c a l Science ' 1. Gave nunc n i and the Economic Order. (l I. Seminar in problems o\ a regulation of i onomii a tivity. This course is con< ncd with re< h matei ils, n earch papers, and related matters. • Problems in Administrative Management. (1 . An anal) s of methodf a| in administrative principles and procedures I opcratii ] ( lei \ in rrnment agencies. isc studies will be mad< t such p >blems i meth ds of administrative coordination and control, intci nm ntal tli rol< ol nor overnmental "« mi >ns in «\ rutins ad mil trati pi mis, thr organization ol n ulator) funct ns, and * * idmin trativ< decisions. Prerequisite Political S nc< 161 It < d > to Publii Administration) oi Political S n < tH Nat nal A d nm ion < con rnl ol insti in toi Psychology I I r . UMI I' IM.IM.S IN Business and Industry* (I II- applicat n psycl ,il )Mincipl< mil pro durei t«» |" • nnel methods tt\ indu*ti\ I In rim Pi rrqui \ii Kifteen I urs ol psychology, inclmiinv; P*\ rhol y I Si tisti< I Mrlh n I'sychoh \ and Psychology |flf, |j< I' ( II t• I \l ui« n its , --I |UI> ah ut 11
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