Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
444 (Economics). Wage Stabilization Problems and Policies. Srm ai in th significance of wage controls in an anti-inflation pn m; tl of waj ontrol policies; specific problems in w; con! I W; Stabili tion Board regulations and their interpretation; and tl ff< t of stabilization on collective bargaining and the wa« • structure PJ iui<> {lonsent of instructor, (46 (Economics). Trade Unions and the Economy. 1hu economic si; of trade unionism: the role of unions onomic poli< • tituti b i c >nomic criteria in union-management n otiations; ui < < poli< and changin technob y; unions and ocial curity issues; efl t union policies and practices on the functioning of a comp :ti s l Prerequisite: Six hours of economic B. I i7 (Economics). Labor Union Organization and Administration. M Analysis of the structure and government of tin- modern \m t union movement with particular reference to the relation bctv n oi ization and function. Problems relating to the function and i ution of economic policies, the maintenance of unity and discipline . th< idjustin ;t of jurisdictional conflicts, and the observance of ag m < will be examined and appraised. Prerequisite: Major in social oi D nsent of instructor. 448 (Management). Problems of Personnel Administration. (1). An ttion of the or anization and administration of the pci >nnel function in management. The course will deal with the relations of personnel administration to operating departments, and tin »pe of busim U md industrial personnel services. Analytical appraisal of policies and practi in cted areas of personnel administration such as selection and u ining \vill be c a r r i e d o u t t h r o u g h ease studies a n d d i r e c t i n d u s t r i a l cont U Prei |lii site: Economics 248 (Personnel Administration or equivalent; con I of instructor. M9 (Management). Problems of Personnel Mana ement. (1), A mil nd laboratory coursi dealing with the problems and practi - ei ninten b) ]>' >nnel managers subsequent to the employment pn Stud nts will do field work in businesses and industries in the area on h to} ir. ntiv , ratin , employee service and community relatioi Pi isit' I nomics in (Labor Problems , I >mics • (P unci \dministration , and Management (01 iManaj ment in Manufacti < I i a n d I n d u s t i i.d Relation* 1 18. 191 and 492. Thesis Seminar in Labor and Industrial Relations. ( h 193 Research Seminar in L a b o r a n d Industi id Relations. (1 SystcmAl analysis of theories and procedures ol the various s ul id ph> al < en .mm' upon n irch in labor and industrial rrlai tns 1 nan nphasis will be upon the pro ol in! thi approach and t hniqu< ol all tin > i.d siirnos wiib i peel to th< ituds < ; Inns in lal>oi and industrial relations met in practi n man ment, the uni and r"viiiiiiMii iviee, wrll m t« ,u b i n e anil i« i r c h in lb I Id Prei |ui»it( 10 \l joi m ial icien \ nt ol initructoi