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Caption: Directory - 1894 Faculty List This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Charles Melville Moss, P h . D., professor of Greek language and l i t e r a t u r e , 919 W. Green street, Urinaria. Daniel Kilham Dodge, Ph. D., professor of English language and l i t e r a t u r e , 511 W. University avenue, Champaign. Lester Paige Breckenridge, Ph. B., professor of mechanical engineering, 1005 VV. Green street, Urbana. Daniel William Shea, Ph.D., professor of physics, 40.'5 W. Hill street, Champaign. David Kinley, Ph. D., dean of college of literati! re, professor of political economy and social science, 507 W. Green street, U r b a n a . J a m e s Dowden Bruner, Ph. D , professor of Romance language, 504 8. Goodwin avenue, Urbana. Daniel Harmon Brush, Capt. 17th Infantry,U.S. A , professor of military science, 509 W. University avenue, Champaign. William Julius Eckoff, Ph. D., professor of pedagogics, 205 W. Church street, Champaign. George William Myers, M. A., assistant professor of mathematics. (On l e a v e ) K a t h e r i n e Merrill, A. B., assistant professor of English language and literature, Daniel street, Champaign. William Otterbein K r o h n , Ph. D., assistant prolessor of psychology, 901 S. Wright street, Champaign. Elizabeth Cutting Cooley, A. B., assistant professor of German l a n g u a g e and literature, 1411 W. Springfield avenue, U r b a n a . J a m e s McLaren White, B S., assistant professor of architecture. (On leave.) Henry ELijih Summers, B. S., assistant professor of human physiology and v e r t e b r a t e anatomy, Daniel street, Champaign. Edgar J Townsend, Ph.M., assistant professor of mathematics, 402 W. Springfield avenue, Champaign. William H u m p h r e y VanDervoort, M. E,, assista n t professor of mechanical engineering, 202 W. I'ark street, Champaign. William David Pence, B. S., assistant professor of civil engineering, 608 E. Green street,- Champaign. Nviirts Boutelle Greene, P h . D., assistant proI'csor of history, 00(> W. Green street, U r b a n a . Anita Margaret Kellogg, B. E., instructor in elocution and physical c u l t u r e for women, 211 W. University avenue, Champaign. A r t h u r Hill Daniels Ph. D., instructor in philosophy, 609 W. Green street, U r b a n a . Fred Herbert Dodge, A. B , director of gymnasium and instructor in athletics. INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS. * n * George Washington P a r k e r , instructor in w o o l w o r k i n g and foreman, 410 S. Neil street, Champaign. George P e r k i n s Clinton, M. S., assistant in botany, 1200 Stoughton street, Urbana. T h o m a s Arkle Clark, B. L., instructor in English, 604 W. Green street, Urbana, Cyrus Daniel McLane, B. S., assistant in architecture, 307 N. Prairie street, Champaign. Cyril Balfour Clark, foreman in machine shops, 602 J o h n street, Champaign. William E m a n u e l Sandford, Ph. G., instructor in pharmacy, 402 W. Church street, Champaign. Alice May Barber, M. S., assistant in botany, 1007 W. Green street, U r b a n a . Herman S Piatt, A. M., assistant in romance languages, 504 Goodwin avenue, Urbana. Hervey Edwin P a r k e r , assistant in architectural shops, 502 S. Randolph street, Champaign. J a m e s David Phillips, B. S., instructor in g e n e r a l engineering d r a w i n g . Charles Alexander Gunn, B. S., assistant in architecture, 205 New street, Champaign. Alfred Holmes White, A. B., assistant in chemistry, 106 W. University avenue, Champaign. William Esty, B. S., A. M., instructor in electrical engineering, 502 W. Green street, U r b a n a . Bernard Victor S wen son, B. S., instructor in electrical engineering, 703 W. University avenue, Champaign. Albert Root Curtiss, foreman in mechanical, wood shops, 607 John street, Champaign. F r a n k Smith, A. M., assistant in zoology, 310 W. Clark street, Champaign. Lorin William Peabody, B. S., assistant in testing laboratory, 501 W. Main street, Urbana. George Washington McCluer, M. S., assistant in horticulture, 505 J o h n street, Champaign. Henry Jones, foreman in" blacksmith shops, 602 E. Green street, Champaign. Harley Edson Reeves, assistant in military science, 1202 W. Springfield avenue, Urbana. Ralph P a r s o n s Smith, Ph. B , instructor in German, 401 S. State street, Champaign. P e t e r Mogensen, B. S., assistant in mathematics, 202 W. P a r k street, Ch&mpaign.
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