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Caption: Directory - 1894 Faculty List This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
FF1C2I2SL, L I S T OF T H E . * FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Andrew Sloan Draper, L L . D., president and regent, 905 W. Green street, Urbana. J o h n Milton Gregory, LL. D.. professor of political economy, emeritus, Washington, D. C. T h o m a s J o n a t h a n Burrill, Ph. D , LL. D., dean of t h e general faculty, professor of botany and horticulture. 1007 VV. Green street, Urbana. Samuel Walker Shattuck, C E., professor of mathematics. 108 VV. Hill street, Champaign E d w a r d Snyder, A. M., professor of German lang u a g e and literature. (On leave.) N a t h a n Clifford Bicker, M. Arch., dean of college of engineering, professor of architecture, 612 W. Green street, Urbana. Ira Osborn Baker, C. E., professor of civil engineering, 607 VV. University avenue, Champaign. Stephen Alfred Forbes. Ph. D., dean of college of science, professor of zoology, 1209 W. Springfield avenue, Urbana. Charles Wesley Rolfe, M. S., professor of geology, 201 W. Green street, Urbana. Donald Mcintosh, V. S., professor of v e t e r i n a r y science, 505 VV. Church street, Champaign. A r t h u r Newell Talbot, C. E., professor of municipal and sanitary engineering, 617 VV. University avenue, Champaign. A r t h u r William Palmer, Sc. D., professor of chemistry, 155 N. Elm street, Champaign. F r a n k Forest Frederick, professor of industrial a r t and design, 604 S. Mathews avenue, Urbana. Samuel Wilson Parr, M. S., secretary, professor of applied chemistry, 918 W. Green street, Urbana. H e r b e r t J e w e t t Barton. A. M., professor of Latin l a n g u a g e and literature, 310 W. Hill street, Champaign.
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