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Caption: Book - History of Illinois Land Grant Endowment This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
16 University of Illinois The matter of sales of University lands was referred to Mr. Cardncr, with ( nower to act. (See Board meeting of June >th, 1X74, report of Mr. I'ickrell). 1 (June 10, 1874; VII. 121) The 25,000 acres of University land lying in Minnesota and Nebraska ought to bring, at least $100,000, above all expenses of sales, and good judges say that the time is at hand when they can be successfully placed on the market. (Dec 14, 1875; VIII, 151) Your committee, to whom was referred the consideration and inquiry relative to the sale of the new lands in Nebraska and Minnesota, beg leave to report that I have had correspondence with land agents and other parties west, and think from best information I can get, that if they were put upon the market, sales would be effected, in tracts of 160 acres or more for five dollars per acre on long time with 8 per cent, interest per annum (perhaps in advance) or say six dollars to eight dollars per acre on parcels of less amount. Your committee have no recommendation at this time as to the policy of selling, as I am not personally acquainted with the quality or location of the lands, and submit all consideration of same to you. I). Gardner, Committee. (Mar. 13, 1878; IX, 87) Report of Messrs. Millard and Fontain on University Lands in Minnesota: The bulk of the University lands, about ten thousand acres, lie south of Wilmar ranging from twelve to twenty miles. The Pope County lands consisting of about 6,000 acres, arc located from thirty to forty miles north of Wilmar and one town west, and all except onehalf section, in two townships. Your committee, therefore, are of the opinion that there is at present no sale for these lands and would recommend that no immediate steps be taken to place them in market. Your committee file herewith a map of Minnesota with all the University lands marked in color. Also all papers and maps furnished them by your secretary. (Dec. 15, 1880; XI, 169) Report of Messrs. Gardner and McLean on University Lands in Nebraska: For the expectant advantages and reasons given in this report we unhesitatingly recommend that for the present said lands be withheld from sale, as they are daily increasing in value. In the near future you will be able to realize much more from their sale than if sold at the present time. We have made plats of each tract, and submit the same for greater certainty. And your committee file herewith a map of the County of Gage, with all of the University lands marked " C \ showing improvements in vicinity and bow situated as to water, stone, etc. We also return herewith map and list of lands furnished us. (Dec. 15, 1880; XI, 171) Resolved, That the lands in Gage Co., Nebraska, belonging to the Illinois Industrial University be offered for sale upon the conditions following: 1. The lands may all be sold in one body at a price of not lest than twelve dollars and fifty cents per acre. 2. The lands may be sold in lots not less than regularly subdivided quarter sections, at such prices as may be severally assigned to etch, which pric*s shall average for the whole - - - - - - - ^ ----- acre. case the buyer shall pay • • •
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