Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
18 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 21 Merger, Language Laboratory and Unit for Foreign Language Study and Research, Urbana The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has recommended merger of the two units which are both in the college's School of Humanities. The merger will simplify the administrative structure of the units and provide better communications and more efficient operation. The name of the newly reorganized unit is to be the Language Learning Laboratory. Name Change for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the Education of the Deaf, Urbana The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has recommended a name change for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Education of the Deaf to Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of the Hearing Impaired. This degree is conferred on those completing the Deaf Education Curriculum, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The terminology being adopted brings the degree title into conformity with the other teacher education curricula in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Also, the specialized expression "hearing impaired" has become professionally recognized as a substitute for the expression "deaf." This report was received for record. Organization and Administration of Medical Social Work, Medical Center (22) A Department of Medical Social Work within the College of Medicine was established by the Board of Trustees, and a plan for organization and administration of medical social work activities was approved in 1952. The Chancellor at the Medical Center now has recommended that the 1952 action of the Board of Trustees be rescinded and a revised plan for the organization and administration of medical social work activities at the Medical Center campus be approved. Specifically, the recommendations are: 1. That the Department of Medical Social Work be transferred from the Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine to the School of Associated Medical Sciences, effective September 1, 1976. 2. That the Department of Medical Social Work be assigned the responsibility for all educational and research programs at the Medical Center campus related to the discipline of medical social work, including the development of cooperative educational and research programs with social work degree programs at other campuses of the University of Illinois and with other institutions as appropriate. 3. That the University of Illinois Hospital be assigned the responsibility for all medical social work activities related to direct patient care services. 4. That cooperative relationships between the education and research activities of the Department of Medical Social Work and the medical social work services of the University of Illinois Hospital be encouraged and facilitated. The Senate of the Medical Center campus has approved the transfer of the Department of Medical Social Work from the Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine to the School of Associated Medical Sciences. The University Senates Conference has indicated that no further Senate jurisdiction is involved. The Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs in the above recommendations. I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . Livingston, these r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e a p p r o v e d .