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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 36 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Alumni News Letter Hostcttcr. on he has been enjoying her sees many alumni and a U* M **J 52 and meeting last fall. Miss Hostetter will r e t u rI en c T l^ T S a tl n summer session of the Library School. ™e , ' Rose B. Phelps, assistant professor, is a member of the A T A C U • B u l l ^ t ! ^ flon Books Committee The Subscription Books [ IS the first of this quarterly series issued by the new committee ' S t a m Pr0f SS0 haS t0b imier B.S.-29 thel f « , p "*kmi, l r m,» * 'ckods. I ericanhnmc :por: Dlino: r Champup dvisory G * The cor a nonitf < I * M J** or f = 1945 edit* " BiHiogrtfk ^ ° » y Jotnd, ii VfFT* ^ l '' ***** <*ome librarian of ,he Peabody College Division on the Joint University Libraries, Na „v"lle Tennessee. He will also be professor of Library Science, teaching courses in hbrary service and materials and methods of research. Mr. Lancaster presided at the first general session of the Ohio State Library Conference jat Columbus on January 30, the program consisting of a panel discussion of f the topic: Shall We Have Another 'Lost' and 'Unwanted' Generation in the Postwar World ?" By special request of the Association, Mr. Lancaster I has continued to serve as its vice-president. Alice Lohrer, instructor in Library Science, has been invited to participate in the Annual Reading Conference to be held at the University of Chicago in July. She will lead discussion of a paper to be given by Robert White, principal of the high school and dean of the junior colleges of Burlington, Iowa. Miss Lohrer gave a talk on children's books, April 18, on the weekly "Library Hour" program sponsored by the Librarians Association of the University Library. Donna Finger, librarian of the Library School Library, is listed in the "1944 Honors List" in Library Service News, alumni publication of the Columbia University School of Library Service. Miss Finger was one of the two June graduates who received high honors for scores in the comprehensive examinations. China planned for Dr. Carl M. White, former leen canceled due to the impossibility arrangements. S S T L y l e , who taught in the Library School in l * ^ j £ £ g g * j J ^ ^ C K L ~ recently accepted the directorship Libraries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mr. i^yie w ^ « raro1:na College, University of North ^ f ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ i t ^ LiWinifred Linderman, ' h o tasUngh^ in the u brary School for a number of ^ " ' ^ ^ ^ n f N a t i o n libraries, where she will join one of the Office of War in o ^ ^ Frances E. Hammitt, ormeriy ^ r « y ^ ^ ^ . ^ Graduate c Ten e studying during the £ *J. *ldone of the Graduate School fellowships Library School. Miss H a m * * h j d one o and has received another for a secon , r.f-AUs% M ~: ._•._ . •_ * & * C** tlx INSPECTION TRIP u K « libraries were visited by first year Library School br S Chicago and suburban » *"' j rtion tr ip. The tour included Rosary students April 4-7 on ^ l ^ ^ e s t Township High School, Chicago Public nd r College, Oak Park ^ ^ e w b e r r y libraries, A.L.A. Headquarters, QuarLibrary, John Crera
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