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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 36 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
t University of Illinois Library School Kentucky Reunion Library School alumni who were attending the Kentucky Library \ social ion meeting last fall got together at breakfast on November 16 J' cording to a letter from Margaret Caroline Walker, B.S.'42, chairman of the group. Besides Miss Walker, who is on the reference staff of the I oui ville Fre< Public Library, the following were present: Mary Elizabeth Earle. B.S/42 and Lena B. Nofcier, B.S.'28, both of the Library Extension Division, Frankfort; Ruth Graham Field, B.S/36, M.A/38, and Mary Powell Sublett, B.S/38, both of the University of Louisville Library Elizabeth Hanson, B.S/27 and Margaret Tuttle, B.S/32, both of the University of Kentucky Library, Lexington; and Aleen Wilson, B.S/29, Union College Library, Barbourville. Library School News FACULTY NOTES Director Downs contributed an article on "Recurring Problems in Cataloging Administration for University Libraries" in the 1945 edition of the Catalogers' and Classifiers' Yearbook. He reviewed The Bibliographical Center for Research, Rocky Mountain Region for the Library Journal, January 1, 1945. The Journal of Higher Education, December 1944, contains his review of Ernest J. Reece's Programs for Library Schools. Mr. Downs continues to be in demand for his talks on American humor. He spoke on this subject on February 17 before the Freeport, Illinois, Women's Club and on March 12 before the faculty of the Champaign. Illinois, Senior High School. Director Emeritus Windsor attended a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Illinois State Library in Chicago April 5. The conference was held to consider the drafting of a bill to provide for a number of regional library demonstrations during the next biennium. Mr. Windsor has accepted the chairmanship of the Library Development Fund campaign for Illinois. Lewis F. Stieg, assistant director, was the editor of the recently published Union List of Printed Collections of Source Materials on European History in New York State Libraries, Preliminary Edition. The mimeographed publication was issued by the Committee on Bibliographies and Surveys of the New York Library Association. Dr. Stieg is a member of the Committee on Research of the Association of American Library Schools. Frances Simpson, assistant director emerita, was (he guest of honor at d dinner given by Emma R. Jutton, circulation librarian and Ethel Bond, associate professor, at the Illini Union on May 18. The party of fourteen celebrated Miss Simpson's eighty-second birthday. Anne M. Boyd, associate professor, this year assumes the presidency oi the Association of American Library Schools. Ethel Bond, associate professor, attended a meeting of the Chicago Regional Group of Catalogers in Chicago, May 1.
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