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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I nin-rsity of Illinois Library School from the college graduating classes of 1944 would aid very «, ^ alleviating the present shortage of qualified librarians forb£f*> for b egmn . positions. >ng p-$»eI / tC Information Please! The Library School needs up-to-date information from all f0rm er % dents. Please fill out and return the following form now. If y o , returned the information blank sent out by the school recently, you not send this slip unless there has been a recent change in your statu?? position. Name Title of position or nature of work Date of appointment Library or Institution Mailing address i rV {cief , I* Gretcben lean s 0 TwentyJ jee « r e h I aan,A tla totlLHan man, Tof My annual salary is $ If you prefer, check appropriate item below. Less than $1200 1200-1399 1400-1599 1600-1799 • • • • $1800-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000 or over D D D D All Intorms Changes in low alumni tion.The Please return to University of Illinois Library School, Urbana, Illinois Library Reports Wanted The Library School is endeavoring to build up files of library report handbooks, and staff manuals. Alumni can assist by checking to see tw their own libraries have placed the University Library on the mailing i> for such publications. Staff manuals, directions prepared for student assistants, handbooks o all types, as well as annual reports, are especially useful. If annual rcpor n are only m typed form, the School would appreciate carbon copies for « hies. We wish also to have statements of book selection policies from » types of libraries. If your library has such a statement of policy, we s h ^ appreciate a copy. School and special libraries, as well as public and college libraries, are asked to send such material Librtry UrbM? r S t0 oiOtti I' 1 Ii IV U ^ ^ " ^ S0h O1 L i b r a r ° ^ University of HI* 015
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