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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4 University of Illinois Library School has gmcrously agreed to publish. Other addresses prepared f0 00. casion by speakers who would have appeared on the program hal War conditions interfered with the carrying out of original plans fo | Ul1 day's celebration, will also appear in this publication which wiliV * be tnlmted to alumni, library schools, and others. 'lislosie B. Houchens, secretary-treasurer of the Illinois Library S Association, read greetings from alumni throughout the country Do ? I. Hill, president of the Library School Association, sent congratulaf and expressed regret that travel restrictions and pressing war work m7 it necessary to cancel her plans to attend the Urbana dinner. Mess; s'es 1 were received from the following alumni who observed the anniversaJ '?*• dry at dinner gatherings in their own communities: l Cincinnati, Ohio: Elizabeth E. Wilson, Gertrude Wulfekoetter, Esu. er Kllis, Margaret C. Rehring, Sarah Evins, Elizabeth Chambers, Alice B Coy, Anita Gorius, Viola Wallace, Alice Hambleton Hall, and Marjorie Lee Jackson. Cleveland. Ohio: Mildred Stewart, Helen Hefling, Mary Ellen Biery 10* Cole, Eleanor Peterson, Harold W. Batchelor, Leela Smith Jurkanin, and Ruth M. Heiss. Columbus, Ohio: Bertha M. Schneider, H. Louise Edmonson, Louise A. Jencks, Ena Oertli, Charles J. Boorkman, Sally Spencer Patton, Ruth linn * Hess, Clarene Dorsey, Ruth R. Boorkman, E. Louise Lewis, K. Thelma Sowers, Mildred E. Phalor, Frances E. Elliott, and Margaret Oldfather. j Detroit, Michigan; Adam Strohm, Rae Elizabeth Rips, Mabel L. Con. Cwaas pkasn Emma Jane Gammell, Ruth L. Jackson, Elleine H . McLellan Stones, Else M. Kelh, Helen M. Crane, Margaret M. Henkel, Anne Tarrington, Zoe M. Tucker, Ernest I. Miller, Anne Kovanda, Ruth Shaftoe, Grace A. tin England, Harriet Brazier, and Dorothy Kersten. j Lincoln, Nebraska: Ruby C. Wilder, Marie L. McKee, Ruth Lor, Siefkes, Jessie Robertson, Lillian L. Ekblad, Olsie M. Anderson, and Mignon Almy. A4tT Washington, I). C : Irma L. Swank, Helen V. Barnes, Florence Williams. Paul S. Dunkin, Major Carl Welchner, Eugene H. Wilson, Lieutenant Robert E, Scudder, Eleanor Ross, Grace Barnes, Dorothy V. Martm, and Dorothy J. Hill. | From Pasadena, California, a message came from Joanna Hagey, 0la S. Campbell, Dora Dixon Joins. Grace E. Switzer, Abby Brayton Ruediger ten Willard O. Waters, and Jeannette M. Drake, who met at tea in observance of the anniversary. * £* 5*I « Other localities from which groups of alumni sent greetings were: Iowa City. Iowa: Lillie Cilley, Ellen Schocke Cockrill, Lois Cowg* ; Romaine R. Damaske, Ruth Dipboye, Emma ! elsenthal, Nina A. Froh\^ " Luanna G. Hall. Bertha Hughes, Edith McKerrow, Helene Miller, Ann* M. O'Donnell, Aletha B. Redman, Sarita Robinson, Kdna June Shentofl, Irene- Stejdl, p.cssit (;. Tresslcr, Patricia Warner, and Grace Van Worm** r Manhattan. Kansas: A. B. Smith, Grace Derbv. Gl tys V. ' 0 Martha R, Cullipher, Elizabeth II. Davis, Mary Graham, Mary E. H * Mary Eilleen Roberts, and Mildred Camp. Pit (I
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