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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Cnirersity of lllinoijjjh*^* KU»I»KR. KOBKRT WILSON. Sll T h e Historical records surveyactiviti»c$ tions. Library ciuarterly 13:136-49. April 1943. and LEWIS, CLARISSA O. A further note on Milton'i p r o t,on« 1 glican The library, London, Ser. 4, v. 23, p. 45-47. June 1942 o def . LOHRKR, AUCE. Preparation of pupils and staff for effective lib ^ pals and superintendents. In National the stud Yearbook v. 42, pt. 2, 1943. p. 325-29, ** ^ y o f «ati ^ Voluntary county library committees. Illinois n • i;v * \ * W^' il \ > 1 in.11 January 1943. Dran es 25:53.;: E. T h e Victory book campaign in Illinois Illin*;, n ,no,s ll 17-19. January 1943. ' libraries 2: W'of Id ** MERRILL, JULIA WRIGHT, comp. State grants to public libraries, com for the A.L.A. extension board. Rev. ed. Chicago, American Libra™ A prop Ass tion, 1942. ^ «* L MILCZEWSKI, MARION and MiLAM, CARL H . Our books go South; the act ed. P Sum of the A.L.A. in L.A. Saturday review of literature 26:16-18. April lo'ftn OERTLI, E N A . The catalog of the future. Wilson bulletin 17:448-51 Febmn bUG mentP« 1943. urn PRICE, MILES O. comp. A catalog for a law library of 15,000 volumes. Xw 1 e bran- ) ° York, School of library service, Columbia university. cl942. 305 p. ^ ^ AP1 REYLING, AUGUST. The library's part [in the w a r ] : a symposium. Illinois li14:5-11. W braries 25:29-31. January 1943. RUMBLE, MARJORIE F . Postwar planning for libraries. Illinois libraries 25: 33-56. 1 April 1943. RYAN, CHARLOTTE. Increased library income. Illinois libraries 24:251. N v m e o e br 1942; same in Library journal 68:85. January 15, 1943. _ I As the N< SCHENK, M R S . GRETCHEN ( K N I E F ) . T h e good custodian. Wilson bulletin 1/: I u lino j s p r e ss 405-07. January 1943. in the newly -. Success story. Library journal 68:175. February 15, 1943. Librarianshi] SCUDDER, ROBERT E. World war I I and the indexing, distribution restrictions Osborn, Johi on distribution and discontinuance of U.S. government publication. possible b y a Wilcox, J. K. ed. Public documents and World war II. 1942. p. ' * * , The report i Library S c l SHAFFER, KENNETH R. Can historians keep up with the war? In Saturday librarianshi] of literature 26:3-4, 20. February 20, 1943. 14:23to recomme . Disposal of U.S. government publications. Library occurrent 1* publisher January-March 1942. 56:216-18Foreign language requirements. In School and society September 12, 1942. In bf STALLMAN, ESTHER. Governmental forces controlling school B * J ^ * 0 National society for the study of education. Yearbook v. K, V p. 221-26. In TAYLOR, KANARDY L. Special reference problems in science and *#*"*? {for Butler, Pierce, ed. The reference function of the library. u u versity of Chicago press, 1943. p. 180-201. . ,ibrarie5 TICHENOR, BARCUS. Teaching materials service. College and rcsearcn 4:76-78. December 1942. . - l94J. TOMCZAK, AGNES. Cataloging costs. Library journal 68:298-99. ApW ** 0 VICKEKS, Lvaut, Education for living. Wilson library bulletin 17:6 April 1943. MCCOY, RALPH *m
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