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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

School to become assistant catalogcr at the Kans e Co11 culture and Applied Science Library, Manhattan,^ Reba Oleta Hill, who attended summer sessions ^ T and l9 married to Ralph C Arceneaux April 30, 1942 and <2 W lives W l a s c o , Dallas, T e x a s . S h e resigned her position in 5? ?• Por Mexico, Junior High School last December. tale ci Barbara J. Palm is now assistant librarian of the Ch C a l Re: Bo^'j The Library of Armour and Company, 1425 West 42nd Street rv Since December 1, 1942, Louise C. Pyle has been 'ibrarian Minidoka High School Library and Community Project at I T H She resigned her position at the Roxana, Illinois, Community HTH U* to take over this new work which is part of a Japanese Relocatio > Resigning her cataloging position at the Historical and Society of Ohio Library, Cincinnati, Lora Belle Seaman jJneJu Wilco* Catalog Department of the Cincinnati Public Library. On June 27, 1942, Dwight W. Shannon and Rosanna E. Wagner^ 292-93 married. Mrs. Shannon, who attended summer session in 1941, will continue working in the Dayton, Ohio, Public Library. Mr. Shannon was a mme e br Con* >* Decen of the Reference Department staff in the same library prior to his induction into the army. brar« Resigning her teaching position at the Olds, Iowa, High School in COOK, Dc January of this year, Hazel A. Schciber became librarian of the W o r w o do Wilson High School Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. CREEK, I won William B. Shirrod, who attended Library School the first semester of 1941-42, is now design engineer of the Consolidated Aircraft CorporaFOY, Bi Sup tion in San Diego, California. On January 1, 1943, he was married to Barbara Wake and they now live at 4270 Campus, San Diego, California. GjELSN'I . Lib Marguerite E. Smith has resigned her position in the Acquisition HAMMC Department of the University of Illinois Library to become assists Es librarian of Parks Air College at Parks Airport, East St. Louis, Illinois. Lee Anna J. Smock is an assistant in the Reference Department 01 HOSTE' the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Public Library. M mar Harriette E. Thompson resigned her position at the A Department ^*|L Public L i b r a r y to become r e a d e r ' s adviser in the Circulation How/ H of the Cossitt L i b r a r y , Memphis, T e n n e s s e e . I Class of 1943 e • at t» Jean Malloy, g r a d u a t e student 1942-43 a n d chemistry libranaLl ^ a iversitv of Tllir^c w a s } ••,University ni Illinois, ,.,«o m a r r i:~A 4.,. T h e ^ d o rMe UVlton M >L'nive rsity e d to T U o , , Welton Dr. Welton is an instructor in the Physics Department at the^ are of Ulinois. M r s . Welton will continue in h e r position. The W« living at 807 South Lincoln A v e n u e , Urban*, Illinois. will c 1 Agnes Reagan, holder of t h e S h a r p Scholarship for * Pf £ * 'after join the staff of Wellesley College Library, W e l h s l e v . Massaclm** • receiving her master*! degree in J u n e . How JACK JEM K.M
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