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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

^ . . ^ * m £• ^{iimni Afftttf Le//iv \ I f * \ 0f November 26, 1942, M. Elizabeth Roehling and William A. Brink_ __ _ living Brinkman will continue iaflWere < ' J the St. Louis Public Library. B ^ n o r Ross resigned her position e Library, Corvallis hives, Washington, D. C, December 1, 1942. quarterly Library, is Kenneth R. Shaffer of the Acquisitions Department of the library. Margaret Louise Stice and Dwayne Allen Shipps were married Decem31 1942 in Bloomington, Illinois. Mrs. Shipps is a cataloger in the Withers Public Library, Bloomington. Mary D Walther resigned her position at the Lincoln Junior High School Library, Mankato, Minnesota, to become librarian of the Sioux Gty Iowa, High School Library. Since March 22, 1943, Janet A. Widdowson has been assistant librarian of the Park Ridge, Illinois, High School Library. She resigned her posiLibertyville "P^n^t __Na tbeQr ? « * J»eutena fc ,n * 'he Twin bon wtheKMOjK Class of 1942 C?e Library. I he Central D. Kathleen F. Bates is now Mrs. Leslie 'ision of r L ose uc Since the first of February Mary J ^ . r p T , i c Library. Prior Kribs whoafcor Circulation Department of the Lake forest Illinois Public Libra oger at the I X to that time she was on the staff of the Highland Park, nia Pa: Dr Library v „nf.th C McAlister of Hilo, Dorothy M. Crout and Lieutenant K e n n e t h ^ L . ^ ^ ^ ^ the It Hawaii, were married in Bloomington, 11 inois, lndiaM. igning as i McAlister is living at 114 South Street, West i- y ^ ^ ^ In January of this year C a r l y .. ° " S L Illinois: She previously diadeffa < Douglas Aircraft Company Library « u K ^ in Chicag0. lalism Libr held a position in the Municipal Reteren were marned. On March 3, 1943, Geraldine ^ S i " . / d i v e r s i t y of Colorado, | accepted •Mrs. Zahn is continuing in her position Boul <kr. u _ rl „ resigned her position with the af< On May 1, 1943, Mary E g « 5 & £ & E & to accept a position in arch tor Library Extension Division, * « ™ ' D a n v ille, Kentucky the Darnal. General Hospital Library ^ - ^ T d ^ (rniv On April 12, 1943, Aurevia g * J » " ^ ^ continue married in St. Louis, M * " J £ J £ J Mississippi M j - ^ r s i t y of Misthe Army ^ g ? * S K 5 Department o £ « £ ^ ^ rv tn rv Jihrar in her position m <V Vijcsouri until the ena itiiifl * ouri Library, Columbia. M ^ r h a r leston, Illinois, High when she will join her huso . ^ ^ t h c Charleston, Mary G. aham resigned her ] II i
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