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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni Newt Letter Class of 1940 * S^ < * * <u * * » ^ to b Anderson Flanningam resigned her position in the North Reserve Ruth. the I'nivi-rsity Ol Illinois l.il.rary. to accompany her husband 0 R" * 2 nningam, Jr., to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he is professor L 5 1 ry st Louisiana State University. lhl Ruth Maric February 1, 1943» Baldwin, who resigned her position °" Jacksonville, Illinois, Public Library, became librarian of the i y ! Ohio, Public Library. rtha Eloise Ballard and Vernon A. Triefenbach were married on Triefenbach attended summer school in 1939 and 1940. [une HeraddresTis RJL 1. East S t Louis, Illinois. • Ruth Sowers Becker is continuing as librarian at Ravenna High h^l'^Ravenna, Ohio, a position she has held since September 1940. It 2 erroneously stated in the last issue of the News Letter that she had resigned at the time of her marriage. Since June 1942, Catherine A. Birch has been assistant librarian of ,he California Institute of Technology at Pasadena, California. Her address is 681 South Oakland, Pasadena, California. Eleonore R. Buehl, M.S.M0, formerly on the Boston University Library taloger Vella M. King is technical librarian in the R « ^ . * J ° the Corn Products Refining Company Library at Argo, Illinois. Lorraine George, formerly on the staff of the Texas M.h ary CM^e Library, Terrell, Texas, is now assistant librarian of the bam n State Teachers College Library in Huntsville, Texas lt o s l & Mildred E. Hoover resigned her P T , l e L a d cat a,0ger at the of the University of Illinois Library to become head g Seranton, Pennsylvania, Public Library. ^*md* Jn h e r no w M r Mary E. Kissick is T J ^ r a r y Greencastle, Indiana, position at the DePauw University ^ ^ Greencastle, Indiana. llbr ria Martha L. McCraig, formerly J " e ^ n t L e s ter M. Keith and is High School Library, was married to L.euten now living in Long Branch, New Jerse>. Catalog DepartMargaret McKee resigned her pos.tior> « * A t l a n t a , Georgia to ment of the Georgia School of Technokogy ^ theUmverf ^ ^ be married to L. E. Marchi. Mr. Marches ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m N o r t h sity of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana, Grant Street. , . H f h c sta ff of the Library of Congress Mark W. Pan«born, Jr., " « ^ % Geological Survey Library m and is now reference librarian of the U Washington, D. C .{ Dec ember 10, 1942. H e i s on m. tary leave from tnc y service is acting u ^ e<1 fornia, and until he is " » E vanston, Illinois, rthwestern University Library, * artment f am,, runi. •i n «
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