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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

24 University of Illinois Libra School Mrs. Harry C. Langelan, the former Severine living at 4322 Elsbury Lane, Houston, Texas. Mrs. Lois Martini McClure is now head of the Refer of the El Paso, Texas, Public Library. Her home a d d r e ^ V * ^ ' there North Florence Street. * isiJ Irene B. Mischler is now librarian in charge of the B o Memorial Library, Saginaw, Michigan. She was formerly in J ^ C rc trie . ~ tion Department of the Hoyt Public Library in the same city. * it Forrest C. Nelson resigned his position in the Circulation De P °Martha. <ha of the Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois, to accept a ^ ,U e with the State Department of Public Health at Springfield, Illinois ° address Her : Ri September 9, 1942, Berniece E. Palm was married to C. H. Paris ch Mrs engineer of the Chicago and Illinois Midland Railroad between S r& pi field and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paris live at 9 3 1 ^ West Lawrence Str^ Springfield, Illinois. resigned at Since Last fall Betty Jane Pearce resigned her position as chemical libraria at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, and was married to William B the Calito . Arper, Jr. She is living at 1035 South Spring Avenue, Sioux Falls, Soui dress is ° Eleon' Dakota. start is » On May 1, Mrs. Morton Epstein, the former Dena Polacheck. resigned her position in the Catalog Department of the University of Illinois L- setts. i Vella brary, to complete work on her thesis for the master's degree in library | the Corn Dover science | Lorr they will live at 46 Elliott Street. | Library, Fanchon E. Remund, teacher-librarian of the Calumet City, fflwj State T < High School since September 1941, has just announced her marriage oi Mile May 30, 1942 to Lt. Hubert Blair Rouse, United States Naval Resent of the Mrs. Rouse expects to resign her position at the end of this school >ear Scranto will go to the west coast. Lt. Rouse is somewhere in the Pacific. Ma Co: Rachel E. Road resigned her position at the Ball State Teache* ^ positior slt, [ lege Library, Muncie, Indiana, to accept a cataloging P° °? . on Ma in Southern Illinois Normal University Library, Carbondale, l» ' High! February 15, 1943. . j now H Louise M. Stubblefield is now librarian of the Illinois State M; University High School Library at Normal, Illinois. . . oi ment i be ma gned at thew sity o Iowa Library, Iowa City, to accept a cataloging position at j Grant State Agricultural College Library, Corvallis, Oregon. March 1, at X This summer Katherine W. Whittle will join the library « ^ and Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts. She is resigning her i • in the Loan Department of the University of Illinois Library. ^ I Was! I Airs. Chester Youngberg, the former Ruth Genevieve Tains, * * , j tar lia i y her position at Wheaton College to join her husband in Califo" jve, ,sta torn he is taking Air Corps Training. Her address is 3242 Isl« ^ Nor San Diego, California. \l- ' , v at l
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