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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

N . 1 *i (Wt r ^ r Mtry Monica Gallahuc, who attended 1 t died January 27, 1943, in the Mercy High ***\fart she had been librarian for fourteen yea ^Fdix Snider, M.S/39, who has been librarian of Collet Greenville, North Carolina, has resigned 2 librtrianship of the Southeast Missouri State T ;;;ardeau, Missouri. Resigning her position at the Canton, Ohio, Publ Sowers became head of the Circulation Division of tl gt library, Columbus, Ohio. fy Mrs. T. B. Fulton, the former Marv Carolina tascadero, California Library Jackson, the former Ruth L. Wh position in the Detroit, Michigan is in the service Class of 1939 Ik Mrs. Harold R. Hopkinson, the former Margaret L. Ammann, ha a position in the Sioux City, Iowa, Public Library while her husband is in the army. Joseph N. Benson is first assistant in the County Department of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. I Mae Cowden resigned her position at the Southwest Mi ssouri State Teachers College Library, Springfield, Missouri, to become high school librarian of the War Relocation Authority, Rivers, Arizona, in December I of last year. In behalf of the Victory Book Drive, Maurine Doores recently received an autographed copy of Andre Gide from the hand of its author, Private Klaus Mann, now in training at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, where •Miss Doores serves as librarian. In a local newspaper Miss Doores is Pictured with Private Mann, son of Thomas Mann the Nobel Prize winner, a $ he wrote his name in the volume. In January of this year Mrs. John M. Dickerman, the former Georgia E- Farwell, resigned her position at the Canton, Ohio, Public Library to iconic assistant to the librarian of the National Association of Real Estate Boards Library at 22 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois. Phyllis M. Fulton resigned her position in the Columbia Missouri Public Library to become junior librarian in charge of the Bookmobile of ^ Public Library of Yonkers, New York, last September. Roma A Gustavus resigned as librarian of Washington Tennessee, High School totecome a s l a n t librarian of the Veterans Administration Hospital Library at Alexandria, Louisiana. In order to become children's librarian in a branch of the Cincinnati Ohi,. » i r v Maxene R. Hubbard resigned her position in the ^liana. 1 • t
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