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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

7 > » University of Illinois Library c^ ftnf Lakes, Illinois, Naval Training School Library. The fath 15 the Their present address is 2114 Bridge Avenue, Davenport" '" arm ? Since t h e first of this year Clarence M. Mitchell ha T * ' ra of the n n r a i University Library in Alfred, New York Pr! r Alfred U W Y U S H ; ^ " « « * ; "* ^vmcu, XNCW York. p j or me nan he was librarian of Ferris Institute Library in Big Rapids, Mid? ^ ^ Mrs. Sarah Jane Spencer Patton is now bibliographer of th f" Department of the Ohio State University Library, Columbus, O h - ^ Librarian of the Charleston, Illinois, Public Schools is Ivah St 3t0 «• Slit lives at 950 Tenth Street in Charleston. Class of 1938 of ', v Si" fel* G r e < libra ¥ IisS 0 d $ i.y Llbfa> A daughter, M a r g a r e t A n n , w a s born to the Gilbert L. Campbell April 11, 1943. M r . Campbell is librarian of t h e School of Mines and MetalMrs. & * * lurgy, University of Missouri, Rolla, Missouri. taken a p " * * O n March 3 1 , 1943, Romaine R. D a m a s k e resigned her position at the is in the serv« State University of Iowa, I o w a City, Iowa and took up the study of X-rav technique at St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago. She may be addressed at her Mrs. Har( home, 235 Mosher Avenue, K e w a n e e , Illinois. in th Velma Disbrow writes that since last July she has been with the position Division of Field L i b r a r y Services, U . S. Department of Agriculture the army Joseph N Library, Washington, D . C. U n d e r this division she worked for six months at the Lincoln, Nebraska, B r a n c h L i b r a r y and two months at the Atlanta, | public Librai Georgia, Branch Library. T h e rest of h e r time has been spent at the main Mae Cov Teachers Cc office in Washington, D . C. H e r home address there is 3827 T Street. librarian of N.W., Washington, D . C of last year. Inge M. B. Jorgensen who attended summer sessions in 1938 and 1 In behal resigned h e r position at the J o h n C r e r a r L i b r a r y to accept a position the Reference Department of the Joseph Schaffner Library of Commerce. | cdved a n ai Private Kla Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. County U Miss Doore Head of the Extension D e p a r t m e n t of the Kanawha ^ * pictured wit Library at Charleston, W e s t Virginia, is M a r y Lucille Moore, bte as he wrote signed her former position at the E a s t W a s h i n g t o n Branch of the in In Janu apolis, Indiana, Public Library. Hi^ E- Farwell Frances Louise Munson is assistant librarian of the Wyandotte become as; School Library in Kansas City, Kansas, since resigning her position Es tate Boa Pampa, Texas, Senior High School Library. . ] 0f p r %llis tt Since December 1, 1942, Catherine R. Ogden has been the |* *£ c i t y i P ^blic Lib the Tn-County Library, Jackson-Macon-Swain Headquarters, Bryso the p u bH c North Carolina. . Roma Dorothy E. Ryan is now an assistant in the School of Library 5« Library, Columbia University, New York City. She resigned her p hospital at the Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee. ^ Esther Marian Shubert, M.S/40, who resigned her position at j * . Ohio, P l V versity of Texas Library, Austin, is now head of the Cataloging and M Dr ulatic wttons Department of the Southern Illinois Normal University L' w C arbondale. Mrs cadero B. Ca
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