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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni F News Letter t > s J- Hennessy is Engineering Office superintendent at the E I S t de Nemours and Company, Niagara Falls, N e w York Co,, ^ttltU r e Oara W. Williams who w a s formerly in the Circulation Department lt N rthwestem University Library is now working in the library of h J ne iversity of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Uoiv l g director of the University of Georgia Library at Athene 7 at Athens fto.pt, is Wayne S. Yenawine, A.M.'38. ' U * * do J i Class of 1935 John C. Settelmayer, M.S/37, who has been studying at the University of Chicago Graduate Library School is now librarian of the Akron, Ohio, Public Library. Class of 1936 * an as °«far, " 8 «>.» tment of the Library of ,,s > to accept !r sey. Public her positi August. The West Wood »n .May R idianapol he Librambcr $ Ison I lis. Pub ary her? r A daughter, Shelley, w a s b o r n to M r . a n d M r s . Ralph Esterquest on January 28, 1943. T h e father, w h o received his A.M. in 1940 is now advertising assistant in the D e p a r t m e n t of Publishing and Cooperative Services of the Chicago office of the A m e r i c a n Library Association. Walke Walkers 53rd Street, Los Angeles, California. Mary S. Frazee holds a cataloging position at the University of Tulsa Library in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Class of 1937 Dorothy W e s t Wilson Street. Madison. Wisconsin id Mechanical water. She is replacing Willard R ^ military leave. Mrs. George H a r r i s , w h o as Eleanor V . Davidson received her master's J^gree in education in 1937, has a son Jeffrey. H e r address is Box 121, M argaretville, N e w York. E. Lucille Deaderick is editor of the "A.L.A. Notes" included in each issue of the Wilson Library e Bulletin. D. Genevieve Dixon served as chairman of a subcommittee of the A s c r i p t i o n Books Committee of the A.L.A. appointed to investigate inex e s,v commercial services which list and make available free and P " ^ •naterials. T h e committee's report appears in Subscription Books Bulletin f °r October 1942. Beryl E . Hoyt, who received her master's degree at Nort^western University in June 1942, h a s resigned her position at the Evanston11 "ois, Collegiate Institute Library, to become librarian of Dakota Wesleyan University Library, Mitchell, South Dakota. .„,, A daughter, Susan, was born to the Richard Lakins on March 1 8 , ^ . The mother, the former Charlene E. King, had been assistant at the Great
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