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Alumni News iM Letter •ibr » . Library School ha " d lines fostered by Director P . L. Windso lU so ! the latter's retirement in September 1940. • J , ;«Hicated in the preliminary report of the St as 'an. oi the ( vho r of J VAIUUCH on rxmcation, which credits the •the I iversity oy u.c ™ « « ^ * »»— * — v » * ^ > LTC4-OL V J C l ^ c K J P I IT* library with improved services and collections in- the past decade Dr [White was one of the few executives cited in the Survey of Business 'Administration and Organization of the University of Illinois conducted by the firm of Booz, Fry, Allen and Hamilton, as doing "noticeably satisfactory administrative" work. More specifically the survey states that those cited are "doing an excellent job of planning and establishing objectives and an excellent job of directing and controlling their own efforts and those of their subordinates so as to achieve the objectives established." Director White has wide professional recognition as evidenced by the many responsible positions he now holds, such as the chairmanship of the Policies Committee of the Association of College and Reference Libraries, editorship of College and Research Libraries and membership on the Executive Board of the American Library Association. He has brought to the profession a vision of librarianship as "a career of the human mind." Both Mrs. White and the two daughters, Sherril and Caroline, as well as Dr. White, have made many friends in the University of Illinois community who will join with alumni, Library School faculty, md the library staff in wishing them success and happiness in the new position. Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration The fiftieth anniversary of the Library School was observed on the University of Illinois campus in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the opening of the University, on March 2, 1943, at a dinner in the Hlini Union. The affair was informal, with buffet style service because °* the shortage of student waiters. One hundred and sixty-three members of staff, and others the Lib twenty „ Anne M. Boyd served as toastraaster, introducing as speaKcr* * « ~ w . ^eritus P. L. Windsor; Anita Hostetter, B.L.S/20, secretary of the AL -A. Board of Education for Librarianship; Director Carl M White, *"<! Assistant Director Emerita Frances Simpson. In the course of her add ?*s Miss Simpson introduced four visiting alumnae representing some '" the earlier classes of the Library School: Mary Josephine Booth, BL.S.'04(hi,rarian of Eastern Illinois State teachers CoUege Charleston. Illinois; Anna V Tennings, B.L.S/03 and Anna May Price, B.L.S.00 both ? L i n ^ n Nebraska; and Ida F. Wright, B.L.S/04, librarian of the Ev anston, Illinois, Public Library. The addresses given at the dinner will appear in a volume devoted to 'he Library School's golden anniversary observance which the University •
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