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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

_ > < > University of Illinois Librar Mrs. George Wolf, the former Mildred I. Shelton h South America and is living at 415 South Houston, T u l s / o ^ e d fr a Sister Mary Stephana Cavanaugh, A.M/37, died on' F t e r ' * She was assistant in the Reference Department of Rosarv r J H» lt River Forest, Illinois, and taught Book Selection. ' <"<>«<*.'- ' & Libr \ * Z ra ' NS Wilson, A.M.'33, resigned wc assistant libr ar ' 'anshi e Library. Ames. Iowa, and is nnu> M.;-* ,"•""snip of Technical Processes of the U. S. Department of Agriculture i a * •rarjWashington, D. C. Class of 1933 Air. and Mrs. Harold Batchelor have announced the birth of th second child, a daughter, named Brenda Louise, born April 16, 1943 u father received his M.S. degree in 1937 and is now librarian of Bl wn ad i Wallace College Library, Berea, Ohio. A daugl January 28. Florence Elizabeth Bly died in a fall from a sixth floor hotel w dw io n 'rising assist during a blackout in Muncie, Indiana, January 3, 1943. She was on leave of the Chic of absence from her position as librarian at the Grace Maring Branch Mrs. M Library, of Muncie. University Katherine L. Croxall is head of the Children's Department of the 53rd Street Morrisson-Reeves Library, Richmond, Indiana. Mary £ Ruby Helen Kerley resigned her position at the Wheeler Library oi Library in Southern Illinois State Normal University, Carbondale, Illinois, to accept a position in the reference division of the Newark, New Jersey, Public Library. Doroth Mrs. W. A. Muller, the former Lola W. Lampe, resigned her position living at 4 as assistant librarian of the Chicago Board of Education last August. Ihe Mrs. Ii Miillers with their son, born September 5, 1941, are living at 55 West Wo od oi the Ok Street, Palatine, Illinois. water. She May > » A son, James Robert, was born to the Glenn Maynards oriMaj military le 1943. The father, M.A.'35, is librarian of Butler University, ^ ^ Mrs. ( Indiana. Mrs. Maynard, the former Ilo Baylcs, is an alumna of the U • degree in School, class of 1937. Margarets D cffl Florence E. Noble and Reuel O. McColm were married ^ f /utfi E. Lu Wilson gned issue of t School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. D. G < publi Helen L. Norris resigned her position at the Rockford. Illinois. Subscript c Library to become a cataloger at the Gary, Indiana, Public Librar), °mmerci 1, 1943. Aerials Trust to Since Apnl 1, Vivian Totten has been cataloger at Bankers r Octo tr r Company Library, 16 Wall Street, New York City. She resigned " Beryl t!^versit t.on at the Mount Vernon. New York, Public Library. ^ Col Class of 1934 Libr»fl Ruth Reedle resigned her position at the Abbott Laboratories -- ,,. 1 GaS ^ mot m Chicago to accept the position of librarian of the Institute <>' nology L.l.rary at 3325 South 1 >„ r l ) ( , r n S t r c , ( > r h i c ; l s . „ lob" C ni Ch«cag° Public Ubra ( km ta k,
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