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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

News Class of 1931 petto H. Clausen married C. G. Steidl and is living at 7 Erchles Rumioru, « « marriage _ MV1U , jumf S^rl •$De rvoartment of the Appleton, Wisconsin, Public fned her position ** *h» in. Mary Ali— ., , V111 „ u i r / «.i« ^.wir Library to marry Richard Neal Potts, and is now living at 4^20 Afield Pike, Dayton, Ohio. Eleanor R. Kyle, A.M/32, is librarian of the Wilbur Wright High , School in Dayton, Ohio. Gladys F. Pratt, A.M.'31, librarian of the State Teacher's College, Framingham, Massachusetts, was chairman of the Library Section of the Eastern States Association of Professional Schools for Teachers this spring. At a meeting of the Alumnae Council of Graduates of State Teachers Colleges she spoke on "Objectives of a Teachers College Library." Miss Pratt is serving her seventh term as secretary of the Massachusetts State Teachers College Association. Spoon Sandy *29 librarian Sister Mary Annette Renger, A.M.'42, is librarian of Briar Cliff College, Sioux City, Iowa. former phia Street, Tacoma P a r k , M a r y l a n d . '• Hoita: ias a ha! M a PlaC no, « -r in his fellov * * \tion ar n Moorugua; mi* t90l 3t< ( 1" u'i Class of 1932 Cataloger of U. S. Documents at the University of Georgia Library, Athens, Georgia, is Mrs. Otis E. Burk, the former Mary Louise Anderson. Mrs. Eugene Henning, the former Mary Elizabeth Hause, has a two year old son. The H«nnings live at 205 East Edison Street, Arlington, Virginia. At the Consolidated School at Paces, Virginia, Marian R. Hemmings holds a teacher-librarian position. . At the Shannon, Illinois, Community High School Rose Marie Kersey ,s a teacher-librarian. Edna Miller, head of the Local History and Government Documents Division of the South Bend, Indiana, Public Library, is completing work on a master's degree in history at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. tn >s spring. . Lucile N. Pendergast died in November 1942 after an » « • , * " months. She had been a member of the staff of the Tacoma, Washington, Public Library since 1932. . _ p . j_ Mrs. Wilfred W. Herderhorst, the former Marguerite E. Rahe, living at 328 West Oak-dale Drive. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Johnnie E. Rinet is now cataloger and « * » * £ , < > ^ S « " T * for the Missouri Library Commission, Jefferson Cit>. Missouri.
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