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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

fct & * Alumni News Letter B. * Class of 1924 nl sfc. aS, ^ Semester by Phyllis Crawford was chosen as the Junior Literary lost January 1943 selection for older girls. 5 Guild' Class of 1926 °* Eli,2 *H E Arnold H. Trotier, M.A/32, is a member of the Committee on a terly review of the A.L.A. Division of Cataloging and Classification. n first issue of the quarterly: "The catalog in the library's service," is scheduled to appear in the fall of 1943. »* is y Class of 1927 Lansing 5 °ciation a discuss gf •LA. repr fty libraric mber of igan, is Helen M. Clark. Selma Lindem, librarian of the Presbyterian Hospital Library in Chicago, and Oliver W. Heath were married January 8, 1943. Mrs. Lucile Wilcox Cox, A.M/31, has recently moved to Spirit Lake, Iowa, where she may be addressed at the Presbyterian Manse. Class of 1928 Cleona L. Case resigned her position at Union College Library, Barbourville, Kentucky, to accept a position in the Carnegie-Stahl free fuDiic Library, Bellevue, Ohio, May 1, 1943. , er r Mrs. Jackson E. Towne, who as Katherine ^%f ±f.^{? £ School and was head of the Periodical Division at the U m v e j t y of III. k Uub nois Library, last year served as president of t h * / . f " ^ ™ Michigan State College, Lansing, where her husband is ^ r a n a n . UlvlS10 Helen Geer of the Science and Technology_ r maica, New Borough Public Library, lives at 89-14 Parsons Boulevard, jam x fi,fl T ske Shore Branch, Mrs. Ruth Klugh Daniels is librarian of the Lake Cuyahoga County Library, Euclid, Ohio. Treasury DeMary H. McGeorge is now head cataloger of the U.S. Partment Library in Washington, D. C. C o u n t y Medical Library . Frida Pliefke began her worka atu the H e n ^ p ^ ^ ^ resigning her ln ry Minneapolis, Minnesota, in J * * ; n Rochester, Minnesota. Position as librarian of the Mayo Clinic } R i g h S c h o o i Library, ue S Sherwood Hall Steele of the Q ^ 4 3 . 2 3 Fortieth Street, Sunnyside, Long Island City, New York, lives at « L °ng Island, New York. Class of 1929 ~t (4i* Urbana, Illinois, free Library, to become head or Illinois, Public Library. Univer Delaware r | :• advertise[Otograf rian, ar Libra: 5 Aldeo braHas •ienc
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