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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Class of 1903 Cracc Osgood Kelley, reader consultant at the Queens Boro P c Library, Jamaica, Now York, is a member of the Committee on a * ,Uarttr| review of the A.L.A. Division of Cataloging and Classification. ' Class of 1904 i t** P' 1 M 1* K.i to apP m '*?% The Library School office has been notified of the death of Elizabeth F Caldwell Ingalls in November, 1942. Mary A. Osgood has retired from her position as supervisor of Branch Libraries of the Public Library at Kansas City, Missouri. She is living at 3903 Pennsylvania Avenue in the same city. Class of 1905 When a joint committee from the American Library Association and the Library Binding Institute met in Chicago last February to discuss government regulations affecting library binding, one of the A.L.A. representatives was Josie B. Houchens, A.M.'12, assistant university librarian at the University of Illinois and binding librarian, also a member of the A.L.A. Committee on Salaries, Staff and Tenure. Class of 1909 Mrs. Inez F. Sachs Colby, who retired from the staff of the University of California Library, Berkeley, now makes her home at 1620 Delaware Street, Berkeley, California. Class of 1914 In the Library Journal for January 15, 1943, Thomas P. Aver is the dver subject of a sketch, "Library Outline No. 17," one of a series of a '. ments by the Interlaken Mills. A portrait of Mr. Ayer and a photogr v of the Richmond, Virginia, Public Library, of which he is librarian, included. Rose Roberts Sears, formerly reference Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Chicago, is now Road, Claremont, California. Class of 1919 brar an Mrs Morton J. Stigers, the former Marie Adaline Hedrick, is li ' the RIChmond Hill, New York, High School Library. Class of 1920 gciciice. SriCi , c Rudolph Gjelsness, chairman of the I Department of Library *? on ichigan, is in Mexico w g ^ talogu I'ranklm Library, Mexico City, Mexico. * i^ istafl The a is Helen jpn. Stbna L I B * ago. and < * « Mrs. Luetic lo»a. where sb Geona L tarville, Kern Library. Belle Mrs. Jack School and w wis Library, Michigan Sta Helen G* Borough Put York. I Mrs. R u U.vahoga Mar H, . Fridapi »Mianeap ^ t i o n as l S UU„( ^ Islat,< l 4r ^ ^ M ^^M
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