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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

University of Illinois Library Schn~j * Mr. Downs has made a very considerable contribut f I * * - - u p or editorship 0 N oi A/>*Z£/ City Libraries. R* *ch 0 Southern Libraries, Union Catalogs in the United States* **'* of *??« ;vr the Description and Evaluation of Research Materials a d Specialization— all published by the American Library As ^ ^ 1 011 In a publication on American Humor issued in 1938 bv^ ^ lni versity of North Carolina press, Mr. Downs collaborated with w " sity rated >.? **h his wit, the former Elizabeth Crooks, who was herself a librarian. Th e Downs have two children, both girls, aged eight and five. J The faculty of the Library School and the staff of the Un' Library are happy to welcome Mr. Downs and his family to t h e ? ^ versity of Illinois campus. In view of his wide experience in libr ^" and of the high esteem in which he is held in library circles, the Vr versity, the alumni, and the profession look forward to continued progress under his leadership. Director W h i t e Resigns I T H R E G R E T T H E N E W S L E T T E R ANNOUNCES the resignation of Dr. Carl M. White, Director of the University of Illinois Library and Library School, who will leave during the summer, to take over his new post as Director of Libraries and Dean of the School of Library Service at Columbia UniI versity, New York City. In acc e p t i n g h i s new p o s i t i o n D r . White returns to the school from which he received his degree of B.S. in L.S. in 1934. Following his graduation from Columbia he was librarian and professor of philosophy at Fisk University from 1934 to 1938. The next two years he was chairman of the Division of Library and Library School at the University of North Carolina. He is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist I'mversitv m<l received a master's d jree in 1«>2X at Mercer Univer• in 1933 he re< lived Ins Doctor of Philosophy degree from ( Cornell University. I toder his leadership the I mDR . C A R L M> W H I T E
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