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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Number 32 $0' c- i? In School A library NEWS LETTER Downs Named Director APPOINTMENT O F R O B E R T B. DOWNS AS I Director of the University of Illinois Library and Library JL School, effective September 1, is announced just as the News Letter is going to press. A native of North Carolina, Mr. Downs comes to Illinois from New York University, where he has been Di-J rector of the Libraries since 1938. Previous to that time he was UniD versity Librarian, Chairman of I the Administrative Board of the | Library and Library School, and Professor of Library Science at the University of North Carolina, a position he assumed in 1932. Mr. Downs served as librarian of Colby College, 1929-1931. He has also had experience on the staffs of the Columbia University Libraries and the New York Public Library. He holds the B.S. and M.S. degrees, 1927 and 1929 respectively, from Columbia University School of Library Service. During the past year Mr. Downs has been t e a c h i n g a ROBERT B. DOWNS course in college and university li^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ brary administration at Columbia Council of the University. The new ^ ^ ^ e ^ ^ A s s . American Library Association and servea a 1 Libraries, 1940-1941. ciation of College and Reference UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN
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