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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 31 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Alumni News Letter _ , Trustee of the Endowment Fund. The above attned officer s c r were rtved and elected unanimously. "apt' Miss Dorothy J. Hill of the National Archives in Wathiogton and ^dent elect was then introduced and spoke briefly. She urged that ntting and proper celebration of the anniversary of tin Library Scnool should be planned and that the organization of the alumni should be monger and more compact. She proposed to accomplish this throueh a better organization of classes and through regional groups. Miss Silver thorn and Miss White were present and were introduced. Miss Conat then introduced those seated at the speakers* table. Miss Frances Simpson I Assistant Director Ementa, was called upon to speak to the Association' [ She gave her personal greetings to her old friends, spoke briefly of her School present at the dinner an some amusing anecdotes of a broken ankle. coul< Director of the School, was- then introduced and spoke briefly concerning the present situation in the Library profession. He said there is and will be a shortage of from a thousand to fifteen hundred trained librarians and that there were only thirty library schools to supply this demand, that the University of Illinois had had a decrease in enrollment of 21% over-all School of Law 27%. He told of the accelerated program planned for the summer school whereby students may receive their degrees of B.S. in L.S. in three summers instead of four. The Library program would be in two six weeks sessions with an eight weeks session planned for graduate students who had started on the old plan. He said the placement work for the class of 1942 was progressing satisfactorily. He then introduced Dr. Gwladys Spencer, the newly appointed Librarian of the Education, Philosophy and Psychology Library who will also continue teaching in the Library School. Miss Anne M. Boyd, who had served as chairman of the Placement Comm 'ttee during the year; Mrs. Eunice C. Mohr, who with Miss Dorothy Black had served as editor of the News Letter; and Dr. Errett W. Mo D 'armid, new Assistant Director of the Library School, were also presented. Miss Conat then introduced Mr. Herman H. Henkle, Director ot Simeons College School of Library Science and President ot the American Association of Library Schools, who had been asked to speak on the subject Looking Ahead in Education for Librarianship." He said that there was a " extensive amount of thinking being done about problems for edu«fcon <<* librarianship and a strong effort was being made to find out whatwas h *K*g with the present program of instruction. He fe t that ^ ^ ^ d been much progress in a number of schools no ^ i e ^ W reasing the emphasis on the m °re chanci of the " rWT^u^ &?£•£& Association to the Miss Co.*— S - S* HZ oi Mr' Milton A. Drescher of the Science lf >cal committer, which consisted c
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