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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 31 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
•/ Illinois Library Schnni Odd be appointed for five years with a rotating membershin T . would be appouue* w mittee appunuLu \N — „ U \ ' ^race Fnfri ^ mittee appointed »«^ — ~ ,ilr Everett (). Fontaine, Miss Anne M. Boyd and Mr. Raymond Sh _cond second committee would be financial, to control and administer f S * \ % Ttli Committee was to consist of Mr. Windsor, Miss Josie B. Vio^ ' $ and Mrs. Margaret Williams Jones. It was moved and seconded to^' the committees as recommended and the motion was carried u n a n i ! ^ USly Miss Grace England. Librarian of the Downtown Library of n° and chairman of the Committee on the Windsor Publication Fund report of progress under the following three heads: rr:~«*w**« Finances. Thp fund consists of $3,500 which the fnmm;^. is not to be regarded as a permanent fund but is to be disbursed j n a reasonable time. Both principal and interest may be used if necessary bj it is preferred to keep it as a revolving fund. Policies. The purpose is to encourage the publication of manuscripts as memorials to Mr. Windsor and to reflect credit on the University o f Illinois Library School. Preference is to be given to Illinois graduates but graduates of other schools are not to be excluded. _ ft : ^JLi iot< ^Z% * * * * * I ^hft** * 0 1 I Lcttf * ' ! ^present s I shortage I ttoth^ 'Diversity o I ^ a decre I 0jUw $ I ^ when we 0 Procedure. Every manuscript is to be examined by all members. A unanimous decision must be reached if by mail, or a majority decision if by discussion. All publications a r e to be in a numbered series. No decisions have been reached yet as to a particular publication. The Committee will hold in strict confidence any suggestions, plans, etc., which may be sent in. Miss Ida Tod, Librarian of the Education, Philosophy and Psychology Library of the University of Illinois and Chairman of the Fiftieth AnniIUCL - - « • « • « i «« ^ summers in* sesskms wit! T h e Committee I hi started uii Wednesday J u n e -6-t. vvcuncsuity, i n e i u i i u w m g n a u uecu dppumtw* ^j -- Conat as members: Miss Tod, Mr. Windsor, Miss Simpson, Dr. Mc Diarmid, Miss Houchens, Miss Hutchins, Miss Oldfather, Mr. Dunkin, Mr. McComb, Miss Crane, Miss Derby, Miss Krueger and Miss Wright. I These members had been chosen as representing all sections of the countn \ and both old and recent graduates. Since the Fiftieth Anniversary of the j Library School occurs in the same year as the Seventy-Fifth AnniversaO of the University it had been decided to plan the celebration for the same time and to accept such a date as the University decided on. A plea was made to everyone to help in the planning of the celebration and in m * J contributions to the program for each state or locality. The Commit^ felt that they would like to use this occasion to publish a history ot t Library School which should include contributions, reminiscences, evalu ' tion of the School's educational program and influence on other libra. schools and on the library profession in the United States and otne countries. Mr Ernest Miller, Head of the Technology Department of the Djtf* Public Library, gave the report of the Nominating Committee: Mi« W J 09 k . Garver, Chairman, Miss Ruth Hammond and Mr. Miller. They prop * he Olowmg slate: Miss Dorothy J. Hill, President; Miss Mary S J J . thorn, Fir«t Vice-President; Miss Bon-Jean White Second Vice-Pw***' M- Josie B. Houchens, Secretary-Treasurer and C s s l e l l a ft ' ^ .^wwgj Ms Anne is mitee dur Ba k bad lc
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