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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

10 (uhtisity of Illinois Library School Sybil Tttbbs, U.S. in L.S.'33, librarian of the Uni Seventh Corps Area Library at Omaha, Nebraska, writes that'sh " S an Illinois alumni dinner where she had the pleasure of hearim/p"^ 1 WillarH and of seeing movies of the campus. She was thrill, i?" ^ beauty of the lllini Union. Welchne r, B.S. in L.S/35, holds the position of chief n Ur Section (Director, A Forces Field Technical Libraries) H e a d q ^ Washington, D . C Army Air F One of the youngest camp librarians is Evelyn Young, B.S. in LS'3s of the library at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, according to a clipping s2 in by Sybil Tubbs of the class of 1933, who also says Miss Young is dob ' a splendid job. I V w A A A %>m A V A C- *-* * * % * ^"^ ** • • News of the Classes Class of 1897 J I PrAB l,d « * > A scholarship for students of library science has been established in h n r oo of Margaret Mann, professor-emeritus of Library Science, University of Michigan. The fund was started in 1938, on the occasion of her retirement, by the University of Michigan Library Science Alumni Association, the Ann Arbor Library Club, and associates and former students of . is Ms Mann. Two awards have been made, the first in 1941 and the second for j the current semester of 1942. j Class of 1900 j ffct< Adam Strohm is supervisory secretary of the Wayne County, Michigan. Library Board. J Class of 1903 Sarah Lawsoo: oi tit Unhersi las not lad til rises and lake Superior. Anna V. Jennings is Nebraska Director of the Victory Book Drive. Since she retired from her position as librarian of the Nebraska State Teachers College at Kearney, she has made her home at 1625 South 23rd Street. Lincoln, Nebraska. Class of 1905 In its issue of January 14, 1942, the Nashville Banner paid tribute to the Nashville Public Library, in a feature article outlining the history ot f forty-year-old institution. Credit was given to its librarian. F. K- ' Drury, who for the past ten years has played a prominent part in the development of that library. Class of 1906 a Ha r7fo?H cLdIa n wh ^ ° f ' ivttphGjch TttsityofMij * American UbrarjitL » in <*arge of work with the foreign-bom brary writes that of is » K ^ t ^ H a :; fo^ u b c ' - ho, e addr " Class of 1907 On January 8, 1940 Eva Isabel McMahon died of a heart attack. At t* S tunc of her death she was head librarian of the Northern 1 K * * iNortnern Teachers College Library, in DeKalb, Illinois. *
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