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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

/ U The Spring Inspection Trip The 1°42 inspection trip began April 6 and ended April 10. Alth, a students went to the Chicago area, two slightly different itinerant " planned, one for students primarily interested in college and u n i . p > library work, and one for students primarily interested in school a m l p j ' library wo rk. All students visited the Evanston Public Library, tlw?* cago Publ ic Library, Northwestern University Library, the'.Wr 1 Library Association and various other institutions. The "college ^roup _n_ visited Illinois State Normal University, LaSalle-Peru Township H School and Junior College, and Rockford College Library. The "sd and public" group visited Hinsdale T o w n s h i p High School, Lyons To ship High S wnship Library, Oak Winnetka. The trip this year was in charge of Miss Marie M. Hostetter and Miss Mary R. Kinney. Director White accompanied the group for the first few days. I Faculty Notes c» • Director Emeritus Windsor and Mrs. Windsor drove to Rockford, Illinois. May 1 to attend a dinner honoring Miss Jane Hubbell on the occasion of her retirement after fifty years as librarian of the Public Library. Miss Hubbell has been succeeded by Mary C. Bigelow, B.L.S.'IO. With the Windsors went Professor Ethel Bond of the Library School, R.L.S/08, and Theresa Gillett, B.S. in L.S/31, M.A/39, of the Catalog Department. University of Illinois Library. Miss Frances Simpson, assistant director v,* the . Library School, u i ^ i u i of «* *% — Emerita, has returned to Urbana after spending the winter months at Kappa Hearthstone in Winter Park, Florida. Miss Simpson had the misfortune to break her ankle while in Florida, but is now able to walk about with the aid of a brace. for the Miss Marie M. Hostetter has been granted a leave of absence academic year 1942-43, during which time she plans to continue her study at the University of Chicago Graduate Library School. Miss Helen Small, stenographer in the Library School, submitted to an operation m March. Alumni will be happy to learn that she is making * satisfactory recovery and is now back at her desk. ' a arm At ' as an im Hev row? stories ire in le K Padn to position a Iferia at F< Edward ? n irersitv ot "tm thir 15 *• The j ^ Teasonj J Pnxltto 1 Library Film Contact with Books is the ttiti» oA«a* n .._ ,tle f ew • c ) r „ . .. . , motion picture ;t instruct the undergraduate student in the * *»- ' pared by a committee of University of Illinois Library staff n*"?*? 'ersity Wayne 1* y e n a w i n e > M.A.'38, now assistant lihj" ian I l n i v ^ V i t v n V r " " ~ ' ~ lan, University of Georgia, and de Lafayette Reid B S in L.S.MO. The filming was done by the University of Illinois Photographic Labor*"!*! While ' • • • • " • put i WAT v I
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