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Alumni News /.<•//,•» Library School News norii* the second semester of the current academic year the T ifc« S o u n d e r Director Carl M White has been in charge of two ^ has ^ ^ . e d by a committee composed of mittees. H " * * * J « * Miss Anne M. Boyd, chairman and Miss Marie Hostetter, Miss Rose Phdps, Miss Mary Kinney, and Miss Frances Hammitt. The Instruction Committee in charge of applications, schedules, curricular changes peti tions and student relations has been in the hands of a committee headed by Dr. McDiarmid, other members being Miss Ethel Bond, Miss Alice Lohrer, Miss Mildred Singleton, and Miss Gwladys Spencer. Changes in the Second Year Program During the current year the faculty has been giving considerable study to strengthening the second year program leading to the Master's degree. Several faculty meetings have been devoted largely to this program. At a recent meeting two plans of study were adopted. Under one plan the stuJollows tne usual program thesis involviner investicati need rience in research. Under this plan students will devote more time tc subjects, both in the Library School and in other departments of the University, and will substitute for the thesis a paper or essay dealing with their major field of interest. Work in other departments of the University will be correlated with the work in the Library School. Under both plans, each student will work closely with a faculty adviser, best qualified to aid him in his chosen field of interest. Considerable thought has also been given to specific courses, need to provide a wider variety, and balance of offerings at the second year level. Final decision has had to await the settling of certain budgetary questions, which because of war conditions are particularly difficult to resolve. It appears safe to predict, however, that the 1942-43 offerings will take a toward Katharine L. Sharp Scholarship The Katharine L. Sharp Scholarship has been y a r d e d to Agnes Lyttm. T. _ r . A c w f CnUncrt* T.ibrarv. Decatur, Reagan Agn m-dgan. xxuss Keagan is assistant, /-vg*^ ~—• Vr • -,. ~c A . U ^ C r ruzl'L September, l >42. ( QV,O will hep-in her work
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