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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Alumni Wednesday, June At the Schroeder Hotel, Milwauk Greetings, Fellow Alumni: • We hope that you are coming to the A.L.A. Conference at Milwaukee, and that you will be on hand for the Illinois dinner the evening of June 24. The local committee, under the efficient chairmanship of Milton Drescher, our second Vice-President, has secured for us the Crystal Ballroom at the Hotel Schroeder (Headquarters Hotel), the largest and finest accommodation available. Don't disappoint their faith in Illinois loyalty; they feel sure we will turn out in large numbers in spite of the tire shortage. Put on your seven league boots and come! After you arrive in Milwaukee, be sure to sign up early for the Library School Dinner, and indicate your class after your name, as an effort will be made to arrange the seating by classes. In the Treasurer's report for last year the statement that only twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) was received from the annual memberships caught my attention. I would like to think that all the other alumni had life enjoy reading the "Alumni News Letter" and we miss it when it is not forthcoming. To keep it coming, keep the annual dues going to our Secretary-Treasurer! MABEL L. CONAT, President Un,ver Slty of Illinois Library School Association | ^bets { \ 0tf& I Deity, ^ 1 Wri^ ^ 1 &*! I » | ™ \ j , I ^ j I in^ I Bee I chainn J *illfc I Public it 0 * * J** c then. as © | l ni ^ cc You in Milwaukee
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