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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

/</wwMt News Letter •I 1• if t < t * about to take over The Library hool and the University are to be congra I ""I Dr. Mc Srmid's appointment. As one who knows fr< vn experience ^thinganom ui» umcc, may A vcmure to congratulate Mac' on the Jtcresting work which lies before him." i Because of his ability, his gracious manners, and his excellent w0rk in the field of Library Science, he has earned the confidence of his colleagues in the Library School and in the other Colleges and Schools on the Urbana Campus," writes Director Coleman R Griffith of the Bureau of Institutional Research of the University of Illinois He further states, "Under his leadership, the University community can look forward with satisfaction to the further development of one of its most important areas o f educational service." On receiving word of Dr. McDiarmid's appointment Director Emeritus Windsor wrote the following letterAlumni own good and to bespeak for him support you have always given the School. He has the personality and the professional qualifications which will, I believe, make for unqualified success in the work of the School and in relations with you, our alumni. Cordial greetings to you all, P. L. WINDSOR." .1 I mi 1942 Summer Session Program re fc «££: cs-5 ;:i:*«-.i:™iV.., *°tal of three summers. The University of Illinois has adopted a twelve week summer term for •9-12. There will he twn »prm< nf «i'v wpelts each, the first bee-inning: June o, and the second beginning July 20 and ending August 29. The Library School will conform to the general university policy and in addition to the "*o terms will hold an institute for librarians of public libraries on Al *ust 5, 6, and 7. The program has been planned after a careful study of present library Editions and in view of the increasing need for professionally educated ''brarians. Alumni will doubtless be interested in the followmg announcem «nt being made by the school. i*jL*m*Ji The University of Illinois Library School announces an accelerated s ummer session program for 1942. Courses will be offered: , U For undergraduates interested in teaching or in p o s i t i o . . ' A r y a n s , permitting total credits of up. to eleven se.nestc hours. 2) For Mrs, year Library School student, leading to the degree ot B.S. '" Library Science. h f iit m a y e am up to i «.
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