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***J University of Illinois Library School CRAwn>Ki>, PHYLLIS (Josie l u n i e r , |>M-u<miiymj. I'os.e <|j,i Howell. Soskin & Co., 1941. 330 p. ~'- ^ew y CURRY, ARTHUR R. T W O phases of the W.P.A. hhrary project in TP notes (Bulletin of the Texas hhrary association) 17:7-8. Ja„ DEALE. H. VAIL. Civilian puhlic service camp lihraries. Illinois l i h ^ ** rar 10-12. November 1941. ° '« 2]: DIMMITT, L E NOIR, comp. Pamphlets on national defense. Wilson lit)ra x y bun,. tin 15:732-35. May 1941. DUNKIN, PAUL S. Crisis in teapot. Library journal 67:198-99. March 1, i ^ and the national defense. Michigan librarian7.7. ' P*} W*. March 1941. rt ERLANDSON, RUTH M. The organization of federal government publications i J* 1 depository libraries. In Boyd, Anne M., United States government J ! H&weekly lications. 1941. p. 510-20. ]p* ESTERQUEST, RALPH E. Books stand trial in Oklahoma. Progressive librarian? tobet council bulletin 3:5. December 1941. Statistical contribution to the study of libraries in contemporary Germany. Library quarterly 11:1-35. January 1941. War attitudes and activities of American libraries. W4R 11 Wilson library bulletin 15:621-36. April 1941. FAYE, CHRISTOPHER U. Libraries in a democracy. Wilson library bulletin 15: 485-86. February 1941. FELSENTHAL, EMMA. The sophomore term paper: directions and suggestions. Iowa City, Iowa, State University of Iowa, Department of English. 1 1 W. FERGUSON, KATE D. Libraries, the lighthouses of democracy. Library journal McLniAN, 66:449. May 15, 1941. Library's place in America's defense program. California library MATHEWS^ association bulletin 2:175-77. March 1941. Speci FIELD, RUTH GRAHAM, ed. Directory of Kentucky librarians. Louisville, KenMILOEWSI tucky, Free public library. 1940. bulk ith GETCHELL, MYRON W. Internationalizing Dewey's decimal classification with special reference to Latin America. Inter-American bibliographical review )um 1:117-21. Summer, 1941. MUWAY, I GJELSNESS, RUDOLPH H. Catalog code. A.L.A. catalogers and classifiers yearbook 10:69-70. 1941. GROPP, ARTHUR E. Guide to libraries and archives in Central America and the * Middle Panama American research institute, Tulane university, 1941. 721 p 0 on library events and trends. Hamlboo' incan studies, 1940. 1941. p. 417-34 h Research needs in Latin-American Studies. I. With respect to w ring, I * , . ™ - j ^ m oionographical review 1:41-46. 3 x, EVELYN M. L. C. headings defended. Library journal * % ^ & * * m. teVia 9?M941 HOTTES F ; R A F ^ I May m i . " HOUKOM.ALK. CO W^l^"^" ^ * 7 ' " s o n ; supplementary b n y bU etin 1S:748 m h „ " " -51- W «V h 0 Z O n S f r t h e Hb " ° ^yA.L.A. bulletin * : J * * 8 , l b maI I American library museum. Library Journal 66:528. June 15. ^
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