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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

/jlumiii New* Letter V : & *k ft( xa*. » * Y ^ Zo * " ^ersity o |J,-m,> Library School m February, 1942. ,affles E. Platz is now periodical assistant at the City Library in [Lincoln. Nebraska. Mary Louise Siefer, who attended summer school in 1941, is general mutant at Washburn Municipal University. Inna L. Swank left her position as cataloger in the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio in Cincinnati to join the staff of the National Archives in Washington last March. She is in charge of the circulation and reference desk. Katherine Walker resigned as assistant librarian of the James Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois, on April 15, 1942, to take a position as head of the Circulation Department of the State Teachers College Library at DeKalb, Illinois. Roy Watkins is teaching English and ancient, history at Spalding Institute, a Benedictine preparatory school in Peoria, Illinois. Along with his teaching he Snds time to undertake cataloging the school library. Sc h ! c T rCV,8€r m 1C U H « ; • _ . Recent Alumni Publications The editors realize that the following list is incomplete. They will be glad to receive current items for inclusion in forthcoming lists. ALLEN, FRANCIS S. Maps in the library. Illinois libraries 23:3-5. December 1941. ALVAREZ, ROBERT S. Any local indexes? Colorado library association bulletin No. 12:8. June 1941. In defense of recruiting. Wilson library bulletin 15:690-97. April 1941. Let's start recruiting. Wilson library bulletin 15:367-69. January 1941. Professional stimulus. Library journal 66:2. January 1, 1941. Public library news. Library journal 66:318. April 15, 1941. AN:DKEWS, MRS. MARJORIE WOMBLE. The library in schools for the deaf. Library journal 67:291-95. April 1, 1942. B «CKWWH, HELEN. New Glencoe public library. Library journal 67:2oJ-30. -March 15, 1942. , „ ~ . B °YD, ANNE M. United States Government publications. 2d cd. rev. New York, H. W. Wilson Co., 1941. 548 p. t;h™ri« Law **k GEOROE B. Practices of law publishers as they affect law hbrar.es. La* library journal 34:46-54. March 1941. C-Mt-HEu.. GRACE A. British government documents: a 8,„oe to then- use. leg, and research libraries 2:355-62. beptcmber 1941. CHH.US. FAMES B. Colombian government publications. Washmgton, L.bnu } ^ ' ~ ^ ^ 7 - T S S , ^ l ^ h t ' r ^ r m o ^ t d K S&fL £ * S & ^ - 1 1 . .lanuary 1, 1941. A r ft«iff 0 fof2 • & 1
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