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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

/ nkcrsity of Illinois Library School OftXtOfl E. Holms has taken a position in the Circulation at the Missouri School of Mines in Rolla, Missouri. GUbcrtr librarian, and Paul Beck, assistant, also Illinois graduates, arc l ^ H I °n the staff. luanita Lang, who attended summer session classes in 1940 U\x llbr of the Public Library at Alliance, Nebraska. ' ariaa Leva Lash writes that she has been promoted to the position of % ence librarian at the University of Kansas Library. She was forme l rv assistant in the Order Department there. William P. Leonard is now an assistant in the Economics Readi ^ ln Room of the New York Public Library. > Marjorie Olson has resigned from the Kewanee, Illinois, Public Libranto become senior assistant in the Springfield, Illinois, Public Library. Early in the year Dr. Carrol Quenzcl became librarian of the Morris Harvey College in Charleston, West Virginia, where he had been teaching history since leaving the Library School. Thelma F. Passo has since September, 1941, been high school librarian in the Ottawa, Illinois. Township High School Library. f Rae Rips, for two years assistant in the Northwestern College of Cm omerce Library, resigned recently to take a position as reference assistant in the Detroit Public Library. Ruth Schley plans to work on a M.A. degree at Columbia School ot The «iiw Library Service during the 1942-43 academic year. to receive c Louise Turpin has been placed in charge of the Patterson Branch of to, Ful the Dayton Public Library. ALTAIC. RC Robert I. Wedding resigned from the staff of Wabash College at Crawfordsville, Indiana, last fall and according to the latest reports fo rm the Library School office is now field representative for the Purdue UniApril versity Defense Training Program. *yl Vera Lucile Yowell is now Mrs. David Jones. She will continue working at.the Chemistry Library at the State University of Iowa in Iowa W Class of 1941 Edith Freedlund of the Rockford, Illinois, Public Library was recent!) married to Irvin H. Landwehr. The Landwehrs are living at 6971 Hun& Avenue, Normandy, Missouri. Eureka Laurence J. Kipp is librarian of Eureka College Library Illinois. joun » H r» ^ r ? , DeKalb, Illinois. UiS na ine Hanby ' - -' > A M 41 is librarian of the State Teachers Collet th at ot Vs. Q th F° £ W e Hi«ory Department « ii 11 , T U * " ^ A S t a t i o n Miss'Keller had * head of the Business Department of the Peoria Public Library. Margaret McKec has recently resigned from the Cataloir Depart"*'"' University of Miami, Florida, to become head c a t a l o g r U fte GeOflf* School of Technology in Atlanta. catalog r at el r a S a CC pted a p o s i t i o n p r a ! T? l T , b r!a r y < S i n c e L I r V h -\ 1 •
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