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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni News Letter Class of 1939 j Bertalan and Helen Scheck of LaSalle, Illinois, were married on 5i 1942, in LaSalle. Following a trip through the Great Smokv the Bertalans returned to Illinois, where Mr. Bertalan expects mmm FCCls shortly to be inducted into the army. Early this year Dorothy Olmstead became librarian of the Lydia Brown Woods Memorial Library, in Falls City, Nebraska. Since leaving Library School Miss Olmstead had been a W.P.A. regional supervisor. On January 21, 1942, a daughter, Katherine, was born to Mr. and Mrs H. Richey Beeson. Gurzynski Education position Calumet City, Illinois. Doris Hull, who attended summer sessions in 1939 and 1940, is librarian School Ralph McCoy of the Illinois State Library staff is Illinois di rector of Campaign. During Urbana classes in Library School. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dietz of Cranford, New Jersey, are the parents of born before her marriage Ruth Otterness. Rachel Road is cataloger in the library of Ball State Teachers College, Indian Wattles accented a oosition as an and Binding Department of the Pennsylvania State College Library, State College, Pennsylvania, last January. Class of 1940 Gertrude Ackermann has selected May 30 as the day for her wedding to Louis Ogden, who is a research worker at the experimental farm o the University of Nebraska. At present Miss Ackermann is a cataloger at the £>wa State College Library in Ames. The wedding will take place in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska Lawson McGhee Library, R The first assistant, Branch Department Wxville, Tennessee, is Julia Doughty Bennett, who * as tor y °< Farragut High School in Knoxville, T e n n e s ^ Alice R. Collins, formerly » ^ ^ ^ M t a State Teacher's Colman, Mississippi, is now a teacher-librarian ai ^ Ie ge> Cleveland, Mississippi. Lieutenant Park Curtis Gregory was married on January y, C Myers, Jr., at Akron, Ohio. < ft ft I
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