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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

•I 10 I 'nivtrsity of Illinois Library School Mrs. Elliot! ilardaway, the former Sylvia Shaver, i »i th gress. / J Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paine announced the birth of a daughter' February of this year. Mr. Paine is librarian of Beloit College. His wi? is the former Ruth Moore, also a graduate of the Library School in 193; Felicia Marie Sterling was married in New York City, February 1 2 1942, to Carl C. Dauterman. Eudocia Stratton, assistant librarian, Central Teachers College, Mt. I Pleasant, Michigan, is first vice-president and president-elect of the Michigan Library Association. j Donald E. Thompson is now acting director of libraries. University o f Alabama. Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He was formerly research bibliographer | business librarian. j News of a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rasor comes fo | rm Iva Stout, B.S/29, librarian of the University of Idaho, Southern Branch. Mrs. Rasor was before her marriage Eylene Vessering. Class of 1938 Evalan Fischer, formerly of the Dayton, Ohio, Public Library is now on the staff of the Woodsfield, Ohio, Public Library. South David Glenn Hilts is librarian of the Atlantic Union College in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Eugene Jackson, M.S.HI, is assistant in the Science and Technology Department of the Detroit Public Library. Pansy Myers, for many years head of the Catalog Department of the University of Cincinnati Library, was married on March 5, 1942, in Calgary, Canada, to Gordon Flack, an agriculturalist. Mr. and Mrs. Flack will make their home in British Columbia. Catherine Ogden is W.P.A. library supervisor in Asheville, North Carolina. Wanda Claire Pringle, M.A/41, has a position in the library of the Public Roads Administration, Washington, D.C. Miss Pringle, uj" recently cataloger in the University of Illinois Library, is living at •«* Drexel Road, Calvert Hills, College Park, iviciryiaiKi. ~--, — . .v.*. ^*i*. a , w m . ^ L - i d i t v , Maryland. Esther Marion Shubert, M.S.'40, resigned from her position at Southern Ill inois Normal University Library in January and is now a c a t a l o g at «e University of Texas Library in Austin, Texas. P K, 7u ° t: Technical Department of the WWK * ublic Library, has been appointed to the staff of the Rock Island P» Library. Ma St keS fo rmcrl y t in tht> Ufa fc»t ft to v* ^
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