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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni News Letter Class of 1935 ntercsting letter from Lucile Huntington Wilkinson, written Decernbcr 18, 1941, from her home at 3786 Anuhea, Honolulu, T. II., gave her friends at the University of Illinois Library a vivid picture of conditions during the first air raids and the subsequent ten days. In part she knew thin n° £ until about 10:30 when the news was again savs " broadcast. We were told not to use our telephones and to stay off the streets. Since I had to stay at home and wanted to keep busy I got out all the dirty clothes and washed them. I couldn't let a little thing like a raid on Oahu keep me from washing." She continues by telling about some of the actual damage done during the raids, and about the trenches dug in front of the library, where she was working part time. She says, "The patrons are coming back to the library as more of them get rooms blacked out and can read at night." Mrs. Wilkinson is now reorganizing the files of one of the army officials in Honolulu. Mrs. Catherine Mclver Rowland has resigned her position at the National Archives. Philip J. Stone has been released for three months from his regular duties in the Washington, D.C., Public Library, to carry on two half-time organizational positions. One task is to develop, plan, and organize a War Reading Room in the Central Branch of the Library. The other task is the establishment of a library in cooperation with and in the Office of the Council of Social Agencies. This library will be a more or less technical one, specialization being in welfare, recreational, and health material. As a volunteer project he opens the Petworth Branch, which is the Area Headquarters for civilian defense, for four hours on Sunday afternoons. Dean Stallings, A.M/40, librarian of the South Dakota State Agricultural and Mechanical College at Brookings, has been awarded a LatinAmerican Exchange Fellowship by the United States State Department Division of Cultural Relations. The award provides for one year s study ln the Dominican Republic. Class of 1936 Lewis M . Bright, formerly of the Fort Wayne ^ * * * £ has been added to the staff of the Federal Trade Commission Library in W ashing to n, D.C., as a reference assistant. Fnoch w ~ T*rnwn has resigned her position at the Enoch ^ r s . Christine laylor at Pratt Free Library. Class of 1937 Paul F. Burnett, who is now librarian ™f™^JffThe^utln"^ Allege, was formerly head of the Ketere ^ Missouri. Missouri State Teachers College Librar> j assistant in Extension b e Mrs. Margaret Clark has ; % X u b r a ' - y in Jamaica, New York. Apartment of the Queens Borougn . f t h e B u r e a u of Animal Katharine Forsyth, * ^ J % £ * £ % Z Department of AgriculIndustry, reports that all f ^ ^ S S t a W t Library and that they are ture have been consolidated witn f c r r i n g records. all busy in the process of nun ing an thcre
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