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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

14 Utihrrsity of Illinois Library School W a r Department when iec ami was moved from Washington uriti^ r Ruth Ileiss is training to IK- a chief« air raid warden in the Eno ^ I Kuth lieiss is training iu IH a u i » an u m waiddi ni the En, l ! Free Library. She is on the Publications Committee of the B r I Official Committee on Civilian Defense and has written about half • • twenty leaflets on air raid precautions which that Committee has ijv** for city-wide distribution. ^ [ Dorothy J. Hill has charge of all "finding mediums" work i Division of Veterans' Administration Archives in the National Archiv I She has taken her oath as an auxiliary police warden and serves in the Roosevelt Hotel, where she lives, during a blackout. Bernita J. Long, librarian of the University of Illinois Law Library is president-elect of the American Association of Law Libraries. Mildred Shelton, now Mrs. George Wolf, is living in Cucuta. Colombia, South America, where her husband is a geologist for the Colombian Petroleum Company. She spends one morning a week in the small company library, exchanges English lessons for Spanish, and finds much time f r o Red Cross knitting. Ruby Wilson Moats has been appointed librarian of the Soil Conservation Service, in Washington, D.C. She was formerly assistant librarian there. Eugene H. Wilson, M.S/33, Ph.D/37, assistant librarian, Iowa State College Library, Ames, Iowa, is chairman of the Agricultural Libraries Section of the Association of College and Reference Libraries. Class of 1933 L. K. Falk reports that the Army Medical Library is now on a forty-eight hour week, and that he is busy with extra details such as acquiring an additional collection of material for use of the Medical Corps, and ranlgn Gwendolyn Lloyd, head of the Reference Department, University 1 015 Florida at Gainesville, is doing graduate work at the University of 111 " Library School this year. She has a General Education Board scholarshipIn February, 1942, Florence E. Noble became librarian of the WifeJJ School Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She had formerly been employ Class of 1934 Mabel McColgin (Mrs. Don Krick) is now living in Little Rock. Arkansas~ ~ — ™—~ 6 ~« V iui,. x^yjLi i v u ^ ; is now living in .Little HOCK, --*-. where Mr. Krick is employed at the Arkansas Ordnance Plant. Their u h dress is 1521 West Twenty-Fourth Street, Apartment 4. Mrs. K '' position as loan desk assistant at the Little Rock Public Library her ryn Wright graduation from the University of Illinois Library School, was marri J D e c e m h e r 27 1Q42 t o P^lic T* Brown T)«-/v.**~ J • .. . . ««r*u:~.n<isbutf I 01 the an»y c Mrs. Ca! Philip JliflW i n t k organization Reading Re thcesUblisl Coancil of one, special a volunteer quarters i( Dean! tural and American Division \ in the Dc ^ded to p ratt F NlF College. faculty 4 HV
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