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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni News Letter Illinois Library staff to accompany her husband to Washington here they live at 6817 Georgia Avenue, N.W., Apartm, m 412 ' s»ter Mary Malachy the former Sylvia Laithwaite, is librarian of iflUinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Catholic junior college for linen. Sister Malachy is taking graduate work in the Library School the summer sessions John Paul stone, BOL.D. 30, librarian of t jc?o> California, will soon receive hit Ph o Chicago Graduate Library School. f Class of 1930 C U. Faye, M.S.'30, returned late in March from a three months' cooperative cataloging fellowship at the Library of Congress. Summing up the special work he did there he said: " . . . . it is like the work at Illinois, only more so, somewhat more extensive and somewhat more intensive." He spoke of the cordial way in which he was welcomed bv other Illinois Washingt< G* Dodg arrangements and has incorporated Donald Kohlstedt, M.A.'35, librarian, Public Library, Grand Rapids, Michigan, is chairman of the A.L.A. Audio-Visual Committee. Dorothy Cornwell Lewis, who attended summer classes in 1928, works with a collection of maps in the Office of Geographer in the United States Department of Labor. Wave L. Noggle, M.S.'33, librarian of the Junior College Library, Virginia, Minnesota, is secretary of the Junior College Libraries Section of the Association of College and Reference Libraries. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little live at 4617 Harvard Road, College Park, Maryland, with their young son, John Wesley. Mrs. Little was formerly Alice Wesley. Class of 1931 -)'aysel Baker, librarian of the LaSalle-Peru Township High Schod and unior College Library, LaSalle, Illinois, is chairman of the J « w C J P Refere nce L,b a 'Varies Section of the Association of College and / "" . t u D.Genevieve Dixon, librarian of the New Trier T ^ n j h m H.gh Sc^ol. u Vmnetka. Ulinois, was a featured speaker-on * « J ^ ^ ^ S d S( *ool Student Librarians' A s s o c i a t e at their February co ,n Sioux Falls, South Dakota. . TJ : Huby C. Wilder is now head of the Documents Department at the V* v trsity of Nebraska Library in Lincoln. Class of 1932 the r> ^ n( all records of the Bureau of Ships, in the ! Glenn now has charge of aU r e c o r ^ ^ . ^ ^ has ^ rtm >avy Department A f c n i v c ^ Co courses of training for the Red <~ross Part •'l f» * a
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