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Alumni News Letter Class of 1910 Mary C * Library, * circulation 1 has been was formerly assistant librarian and Class of 1915 V Mabel L. Conat, chief of the Reference Department, Detroit, Michigan Public Library, is vice-president and president-elect of the Association of College and Reference Libraries, 1941-42. She is also serving as chairman of the Subcommittee on Policy and Reviews of the A.L.A. Committee on Subscription Books. Grace A. England, librarian, Downtown Library, Detroit Public Library, is treasurer of the Michigan Librarv Association Class of 1916 Beatrice Prall, librarian of the Saginaw, Michigan, Public Libraries, was a welcome visitor to the Library School on March 10, 1942, on her way south for a few weeks' vacation. While in Urbana, Miss Prall interviewed members of the nresent class for nositione whirh mav nr^r% ^« Vi^«- c+oflf Class of 1917 Sarah Lawson retired in November, 1941, from the Catalog Department of the University of Michigan Library. She writes Ethel Bond that she has not had time to get bored and that she enjoys the views of both sunrises and sunsets from the windows of her apartment on the shores of Lake Superior. Her address is 4002 London Road, Duluth, Minnesota. Class of 1920 chairman of the Department ity of Michigan, is unopposed American Librarv Associatior v rrc fciatoi stcmi k IVt Teach rd tftf* Class of 1921 Fanny A. Coldren, reference librarian of the University of California Library at Los Angeles, is chairman of the Reference Librarians Section of the Association of College and Reference Libraries. Last June, prior to the consolidation of the * £ % J j ^ £ & Department of Agriculture, Margaret T. Olcott ^as appoin of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, of which she has been assistant librarian for several years. Class of 1923 After twenty years of service Mrs. Mildred A M g j * supervisor of School Branches in the Dayton Public Library. Class of 1924 "**"* " \rd v In a brief historical survey otL ^ f ^ f ^ter^MaVVp^rata Catholic Bookman, November-December, ivm, ? Ros C -i L£
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