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School l)iannicl was on leave "i absence from the University t0 Study of administrative organization in American ,,uf,|ic ,^U r;,r r,......u under a crant from the Carnegie Cori)oration. The results 01 'ts thi Study will be published shortly. The American Library A s * * ^ published his book, The Library^ ^ « ™ ? * * » , * * & Dr.^McDia^ is Managing Editor of College and Research Libraries. His work, with various committees of the A.L.A. has given him a wide acquaintwith those in the profession which, coupled with his demons^ research ability, make him an admirable choice to assist Director c j M. White in steering the work of the Illinois Library School in.. critical a period. The new Ass stant a small daughter, aged three. be the services of Dr, McDiarmid as Assistant Director/' wrote Miss Mabel L. Conat, President of the University of Illinois Library School Alumni Association, on hearing of the possibility of Dr. At McDiarmid's appointment. "Dr. McDiarmid is a young man of high 'Tod* »isbt standards of scholarship and professional attainment who has already the A made significant contributions to his profession. Endowed as he is g * with considerable research ability and with his experience in scholarly ad the P fields, he would seem to me to be a happy choice for the appointment BqnaliM as Assistant Director/' M,<wra! From the President of the American Library Association, Charles H. Brown, Librarian of Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, comes the following estimate of the new Assistant Director: "For three years I have worked with Dr. McDiarmid, who was first a member of the A.L.A. Third Activities Committee and later Chairman of the A.LA. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws. M y opinion of him has Tbel steadily risen. His help and advice have been invaluable to me as President of the American Library Association. In view of his proved I K . T h S. and A ability in research, in view of his sound common sense, I believe he C.i I 1 should make an admirable head of any library school/' ** tern Dean R. D. Carmichael of the University of Illinois Graduate ; top; School comments enthusiastically, saying: "In personality, in profesThe sional training and experience, and in the successful pursuit of schol^tioi ith W likrin whom it is a pleasure to be associated. H e is mature enough W *ent b« responsibility and is young enough to permit the expectation of btgW Tin Useful CArm.^ ^« A «-' x_ ...... r\. . . * .. useful service as Assistant Director of the Library School." 1 Miss Frances Simpson, Assistant Director Emerita, express* pleasure over the appointment in saying, "It was With real satisfaction id that I learned recently of the selection of Dr Errett Weir \lcDian»« as A s s e n t Director of the Library School. D r McDiarmid '* '"' I tranger to us smce he is completing a fifth success u vear on ** • ' - " I t y . and also, since the firs, of January, has sh re ' t l Miss M •
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