UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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llunnii News


J r v Helen James, librarian of W e s t e r n College for Women, Miami, U i i?secretary of the Ohio L i b r a r y Association for 1938-39. Gladys Judy, librarian of the Public Library a t P r a t t , Kan., has just w n appoi^ed professional supervisor of the library project of the Kansas State \V 1 A. She is also a m e m b e r of the L i b r a r y P l a n n i n g Board for the Ethel G. Kratz, librarian of the Champaign Public Library, gave a paper -Building up the Business and Technical Collections in a Small Library" before tin Loan and Reference section of the Illinois Library Association. C. H. Linscheid, assistant librarian of the South Dakota State College, read a paper on the "Value and Care of D o c u m e n t s " at the College and School Libraries Round Table of the South Dakota Library Association. Mary Hays Marable, assistant professor of Library Science, University of Oklahoma, spoke on the "Sociological Significance of the Library" before the Southwestern Library Association in October. Lois Martin of the Illinois State L i b r a r y was chairman of the junior members luncheon meeting at the Illinois Library Association in October. Grace Murray, librarian of the Jacksonville Public Library, spoke on "Recent Books, Non-fiction," before the general session of the Illinois Library Association. Grace Darling Phillips, w h o is now located in Kansas City, took an active part in the Religious Books R o u n d Table at the A.L.A. meeting last June. I Warren L. Perry, librarian of the College of Puget Sound, visited teachers' colleges in W a s h i n g t o n and California last spring in connection with the survey of college libraries which is being prepared. He also gave a paper on the selection of periodicals for a college library at the meeting of the Pacific Northwest Library Association in August. Mary Parmalee, librarian of W a t e r t o w n , S.D., has been secretary-treasurer of the South Dakota Library Association. Stella H. Pierson, librarian of the Teachers College Library at Kansas City, Mo., has prepared several tests of library usage which may be used to test students' knowledge. Copies of the test may be secured from her. Rev. August Reyling was the chairman of the joint session of the Catholic Library Association and the Illinois Library Association at their meeting in October. H e also spoke on the work of the Catholic Library Association before the general session of the State Association. Mabel K. Richardson, librarian of the University of South Dakota, appeared on the program as one of the speakers at the "South Dakota Author's ^ight." She was the author of "Killdeer," a volume of poems published by Dorrance & Co. She also spoke on the "Institute at University of South Dakota" at a general session of the South Dakota Library Association. Anna M. Roberts, Mississippi State Teachers College Library, is president of the State Library Association, 1937-39; chairman of the Mississippi Library Commission and president of Hattiesburg Branch of the A.A.U.W. for 1937-39. Christine Sanders, librarian of the Free Library, St. Albans, is president of the Vermont Library Association. Bertha M. Schneider, head of the catalog department of the University ?f Ohio, was elected vice-president of the Ohio Library Association for 1938-39. Pauline A. Seeley, cataloger in the Queens Borough Public Library, was elected secretary-treasurer of the New York Regional Catalog group for 1937-39. Miss Seelev's home address is 170-49 Cedarcroft Road, Jamaica, L. I. John C. Settelmayer was a member of the committee which prepared An Inventory for Junior Librarians," published in the Wilson Bulletin of ScDternber," 1938.
