UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Uumni Sews Letter

Indiana On November 28th, the alumni located in Indianapolis ami had a dinner together. Arrangements were made by Glen wns M ardPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Mae C. Anders, assistant librarian Public Library, Des Moines, is oresiP \oi the Iowa Library Association for 1938-39. ' d« Katharine Lewis Arzinger, librarian of the Geneseo Township Library ,v president of the Illinois State Library Association. n Anne Benner, librarian of the Urbana Public Library, presided over an and Reference section of the Illinois Library Association at the np in October. Ruth Bergman, cataloger of the University of South Dakota Library was elected chairman of the College and School Libraries section of the South Dakota Library Association. Mary Ellen Biery, librarian of the Junior High School at Findlay, Ohio, 5 is chairman of the Library Department of the Northwestern Ohio Teachers •ciation. Dorothy M. Black, of the reference department of the University of Illinois Library, will serve again as chairman of the Subscription Books Committee of the A.L.A. Alice R. Brasfield, is president of the Kansas City, Mo., Junior Members Round Table. At present she is an assistant at the Northeast Branch of the Public Library at Kansas City. Mary S. Buffum, director of the Library and Library School of the Texas State College for W o m e n , at Denton, has had the honor of having her school accredited by the American Library Association as an agency for training school librarians. This is the first time that such recognition has been given to any state supported school of library science in Texas. Sharing the honors with Miss Buffum are two other Illinois graduates, Mary D Taylor, associate professor, and Madeline F. Canova, assistant professor of Library Science. Mary H. Clay read a report on the "Reorganization of A.L.A." at the April. 1938, meeting of the Texas Library Association in Waco. In May, she was appointed editor of the College and University Section of the official organ of the Texas Library Association, News Notes. In October in Tyler, at the biennial convention of the Texas Division of the American Association of niversity Women, she gave a paper at the Library Luncheon on "Special Collections in Texas Libraries." She was elected recording secretary of the Texas Division of the A.A.U.W. for the 1938-41 term. On November 26, over tation KTEM in Temple, Texas, she gave a radio talk on "The Bell County ibrary in Relation to the People's Library Movement of Texas." in the September, 1938, number of the Bulletin of the Texas Division of the American Association of University Women, on page 6, she had an article Printed on "Proposed Library Legislation for Texas." Miss Clay is librarian of the Mary Hardin-Baylor College Library at Belton, 1 fx. She is also secretary of the School Libraries section of the Texas Library pociation. John S. Cleavinger, associate professor of Library Service, had a leave absence from Columbia University and made a survey of library person1 and training agencies in Michigan. This was sponsored by the Hoard of ducation for Librarianship, and took about six months. He returned to •phuubia for tin >cc<>nd semester. Nina Marie Cooper, assisting in the Reference department of the Tnirsity of Arkansas Library, was elected president of the Arkansas Library minission for I938-.W. ___ Maude Cowan, librarian of the Southeastern Teachers College Library t Durant, Ok la.,' s< ms very successful in getting newspaper publicity, M K » I K from the interesting newspaper clippings we sometimes see. Her