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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 23 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
l >u ^T a cop. > u Of [HE TL UNIVERSiry OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN ISSUEn T W I C E A W E E K No. 57 [Entered as secon.l class natter December U, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, 1 llinoia, under the Act « i August 24 1<)12. Acceptance for mailinK at the special rate of pontage > provided for in section 1103, Act ..f October 3, l')17, authorized July 31, l'yJ8 J w. xxxiv MARCH 16, 1937 LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NEWS LETTER Number Dear Fellow Alumni: 23 March, 1937 Greetings! It is probably "news to you" that I am your president this year and you will hardly have grasped the fact before it will no longer be so, for by the time you receive this our next annual meeting will be only three months off. One might say that the president of this association exists principally for the purpose of appointing the committee to nominate his successor! This curious situation is due mainly to the fact that there is, most of the time, no medium of communication between the officers and the members of the association and that is due, not to lack of interest on the part of the officers, but to lack of funds for publishing a news letter, which in turn may be due to the fact that the officers have no opportunity to stimulate growth and sustain loyalty in the membership —and there we are back again where we started from ! Now, wouldn't it be a fine thing if we could give our next president a chance to "get things going" for our Fortieth Anniversary (yes, we have the "Ruby Wedding Anniversary"—see World Almanac, 1937:491—of the Armour Institute Library School and the University of Illinois to celebrate next year) by paying up our annual dues for this year and next and by persuading other alumni of our school to join our alumni association? And how about you young folks taking out a life membership—shall we say 'gainst the next depression? Nay, nay, there ain't goin' to be no mo' any such thing, but just the same it's an awfully good feeling to have a paid-up life membership in an association— makes you think that you have "arrived" and are somebody. So, next year we are going to have regular issues of the News Letter, if everyone does his duty, and by the way, the secretary will want some news to put into it—news of individual alumni and stories about Illinois breakfasts, or luncheons, or dinners, at state library association meetings, too. Speaking of dinners, don't forget the dinner in New York this coming June, on the night for school dinners, whenever that is. The dinner committee is doing its best to keep the price under $2.00, which isn't so easy in N.Y.C., so that everyone can come across with that dollar for the association. They have engaged one of the Schrafft private dining rooms in the vicinity of the conference headquarters, which has proved especially satisfactory to groups of librarians. We also have the promise of a guest speaker whose charm we have experienced and would like to share with others. It zuill be necessary to know definitely beforehand how many are coming to the dinner. So be making up your mind whether you are coming to A.L.A. in readiness to send in your reservation when the call comes. You might also be deciding with whom you want to sit. We'll do our best to give you congenial table companions. Jill June then! I Faithfully yours, MARGARET HUTCHINS, President RICHMOND MEETING [fhe University of Illinois Library School Association held their annual H r and meeting at the Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Virginia, on May 14,
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